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hw100 or s410?

s410 and hw100  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. which would you go for?

    • hw100
    • s410

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Guest Scuba1
  fasthands said:
I would definitely go for the AA S410, :D;) ;) it's Super, Smashing, Great.. Fantastic.. well it best be!! :D



But in what calibre.


Hat , coat, Hawaii shorts, garden gloves and .........TAXI



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We would love to stand up.. but we are on the floor laughing so much at the people who don't have one. :rofl: as it must take people with a more refined handling technique to use such a refined piece of kit. something you can't teach :) it's a gift. :boogie:

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Guest Scuba1
  redeye jedi said:
can all those with noodle arms and an s410 please stand up :thumbs:



That'll be me then :D But at least I don't need a spring and a long leaver to assist me cocking my rifle





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  fasthands said:
We would love to stand up.. but we are on the floor laughing so much at the people who don't have one. :rofl: as it must take people with a more refined handling technique to use such a refined piece of kit. something you can't teach :) it's a gift. :boogie:


i bought an s410 but gave it to my daughter to use, after all it is only the lady's that use them cause the hw "is too heavy" :D:D


ATB redeye.

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i bought an s410 but gave it to my daughter to use, after all it is only the lady's that use them cause the hw "is too heavy" biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

ATB redeye.


So you were a lady once then!? People have theory's about people who buy things to make them feel like a man. ;)

Edited by fasthands
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those voting the aas410 havent used the hw100 trust me i own both guns!!! and use them daily my personal preference now is the hw100!!! hands down whover said a stealth lol hasnt used either!!! i used a stealth once and thought it was a crock of cheap shit!!! lol

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The HW100 was out of my price range to be honest, I can see they are a fantastic gun I was holding one today among lots of other guns, but the S410 was the best I could afford. I actually prefer a heavier gun but as usual Money, money ,money. My Logun Axsor was quite a hefty thing but the stock just didn't fit me and I lost confidence with it.

Edited by fasthands
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Guest Scuba1

The simple truth is that the 410k just fits me better. I have used both the hw and the aa and as far as weight goes, there is not that much in it. I keep the bipod and lamp on mine at all times as the extra weight does not bother me. The AA is for me just more comfortable.





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The vote will always go AA410s, simply because more people have them, but as there is little to choose between them acuaracy wise, it come down to the smaller things, like cocking action, build quality, And personal preference.


Hw100t wins all day long :D;)

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Lets be honest if it was the weight i wanted then i would tie a f*****g brick to the barrell! The S410 wins it for me because its a good tool and has gorgeous looks to boot. A good mate of mine has a HW100 and it also is a good tool but i just dont like how it sits in my shoulder, just doesnt feel right for me, but his is the thumbhole version (if you can really call it that) and i have heard that the sporter is a better fit generally. And then theres the price, quite a difference i believe!

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