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Im no expert by any means on live trapping. I have never done any live trapping in my life. I would have thought that you should maybe try putting some bait inside the actual trap?


good luck :good:


Good one rabbithunter but I dont think the lads that thick. :11:

Its tempting to bait the outside to get them used to the trap but in my experience seldom a good move .The first thing is to find a good site for it .If your setting on private land, away from the public,then choose a track,ride in a wood,game trail and site it at 90 degrees to the path and roughly 2m from it if poss.Remove the turf from the area bigger than the trap itself and leave abit of top soil loose in a pile.Level the trap on the base pushing it into the soil to mark the trap size,note where the treadle is ,mark a hole bait size on the far side of the plate . .Dig a hole the depth of the intended bait [i use 1/2 a rabbit]put the bait in the hole but DO NOT cover it .Place the trap back on the marks and tie the door open .Shovel some LOOSE soil ,even better sieve soil over the bottem mesh ,making sure the soil does not foul the door closing properly.Set the trap .Level off the soil around the trap which is an indicater of any visitors by the fresh foot prints as charlie will walk the trap round before and if he decides to go in .The padding may go on for at least 3 nights before you have him .Veiw the trap and prints from a distance so as not to leave scent near it .For a finishing touch I squeeze the urine out of a freshly killed fox around the entrance and back to the track ,but as is the case ,first you have to catch your fox. :)

Good luck mate .

Foxdropper .

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