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A couple of bunnies for the dogs.

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I checked the freezer,and,she was bare(well no rabbits anyway..........too much Venison)so,popped up the stables to knock a couple over,and,I took along the .204cal.This rifle is a hell of a piece of kit,and,accurate as any I have ever shot...........


I drove into the stables,and walked over to the fenceline,and,there were 4 rabbits sat out,farthest at about 175yds,so,I rested on a fence post,and,I took them one after the other,starting with the farthest one first.It took about 30 seconds start to finish,and,back for tea.I don't know if any of you use a .204,but,they are a devastating round,and,as I said extremely accurate....................

This one was the nearest at about 155yds ..........


then the next three were together.............


And,this is how the farthest was found around 18 inches from his head,or what was left of it anyway.............




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nice shooting mate ;)


i was out on the hares yesterday with the .17hmr. its awesome once you know where your bullet goes at what ranges. i took my furtherst one at 207 yards. i was very impressed. although i have to say they werent head shots so good shooting

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  Mr_Logic said:
Very good shooting. The 204 is a brilliant rabbit round for long range, put to good use.

i am hearing more and more positive reports about the 204 when in gun dealers etc from customer conversation etc. i know nightvision in ireland shoots one and finds it a good flat round.


One the other side i also was in a shop recently and a guy was asking the dealer would 20gr rounds for his .17hmr be ok for deer :icon_redface:

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