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Gun Model specific differences .177 or .22

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Guest Scuba1
  fasthands said:
As I said I didn't want the technical bollox about the two calibers, it was intended as a rough idea of the opinions of others. I am clever enough to work out the science of it thanks. :rolleyes: and that is what the other threads on the subject seem to harp on about. so I'm not going to get patronizing reply's I will be the better person and apologize for putting a misleading title, and I should have put" has anyone got any constructive comments on the difference of an AA s410 in each of the calibers?" or any other model of gun. as in the model specific differences in each caliber, not caliber of pellet differences. Simples..! ;)


Well the difference between a AA410 in .177 and one in .22 is that one of them is in .177 and has a few less shots per charge and the other is a .22 and has a few more then a .177.

As from the built of the gun, they are identical but one is in .177 and the other is in.22


Hope that sorts it out






p.S my AA410 is a .22 that's the one that looks like a .177 but you have to use larger pellets and it has a few more shots per fill then the .177

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Guest Scuba1
  Freddy Watts said:
Wise words as always master. You speak truth on the matter at hand.


The force is indeed with you.






Hey how are you doing Freddy, been busy studying ??





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  Scuba1 said:
  fasthands said:
As I said I didn't want the technical bollox about the two calibers, it was intended as a rough idea of the opinions of others. I am clever enough to work out the science of it thanks. :rolleyes: and that is what the other threads on the subject seem to harp on about. so I'm not going to get patronizing reply's I will be the better person and apologize for putting a misleading title, and I should have put" has anyone got any constructive comments on the difference of an AA s410 in each of the calibers?" or any other model of gun. as in the model specific differences in each caliber, not caliber of pellet differences. Simples..! ;)


Well the difference between a AA410 in .177 and one in .22 is that one of them is in .177 and has a few less shots per charge and the other is a .22 and has a few more then a .177.

As from the built of the gun, they are identical but one is in .177 and the other is in.22


Hope that sorts it out





There is a fine line between wise and patronizing! :rolleyes: I think I will stick to just reading stuff on the forum as a general read about the sport. As I could have got the majority of these answers from the local primary school. maybe wise folk should look up the word constructive... their wit maybe just above the childish mark, or even constructive. :fool::boredom:

p.S my AA410 is a .22 that's the one that looks like a .177 but you have to use larger pellets and it has a few more shots per fill then the .177

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Don't talk to me about studying. I have just finished my exams and have had enough of it. But I am back home now and looking forward to getting back into the shooting. Now just need to get some new permission.


In all fairness fasthands I think scuba's response to your question was perfectly constructive. He explained exactly what the differences are between the .177 and .22 AA S410 and didn't mention the technical differences between the two calibres. You didn't want technical all you wanted was the difference between the two calibre's of an AA S410 and that is what you were given. Aparently you are smart enough to work this all out yourself so what exactly is it you are after? You don't want technical you dont want simple so what do you want? How is me saying I prefer this or I prefer that remotely constructive?


I think you need to rethink what you are asking and let us know when you decide instead of having a go at everyone for answering your question.





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Guest Scuba1
  Freddy Watts said:
Don't talk to me about studying. I have just finished my exams and have had enough of it. But I am back home now and looking forward to getting back into the shooting. Now just need to get some new permission.


Good on you buddy. Hope you get some permission sorted soon. Enjoy your time off and recharge the batteries for the next stint. ;)


@ fasthands If you find any more differences between the two that matter, other then mag, pellet probe and barrel, let me know.





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  Freddy Watts said:
Don't talk to me about studying. I have just finished my exams and have had enough of it. But I am back home now and looking forward to getting back into the shooting. Now just need to get some new permission.


In all fairness fasthands I think scuba's response to your question was perfectly constructive. He explained exactly what the differences are between the .177 and .22 AA S410 and didn't mention the technical differences between the two calibres. You didn't want technical all you wanted was the difference between the two calibre's of an AA S410 and that is what you were given. Aparently you are smart enough to work this all out yourself so what exactly is it you are after? You don't want technical you dont want simple so what do you want? How is me saying I prefer this or I prefer that remotely constructive?


I think you need to rethink what you are asking and let us know when you decide instead of having a go at everyone for answering your question.





I don't want patronizing!! ie, Well the difference between a AA410 in .177 and one in .22 is that one of them is in .177

What was required is has anyone got experience with a model of gun in both calibers, not just reading the spec sheet and quoting it to me, actual shooting of both guns. in all fairness, I presumed after my apology and re editing of the question common sense would prevail. by not needing technical, I mean not quoting the manufacturers sales spiel, and simple well patronizing. :rolleyes: But lets forget it, I will just find out by other means before this gets into one of them threads where people just fuel the fire just to get a reaction. I do search the forum for previous threads and follow the rules, and this didn't answer my question. If I ever post another thread I will get it proof read and checked,scrutinized,validated, simplified whatever it takes to make sure I don't upset anyone.

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Guest Scuba1

I just don't know what you are after, the .22 v.177 horse has been beaten to death and back and the two guns are identical other then the caliber. The rest is described in the .177 v.22 threads. I prefer the .22 calibre but not because of the fact that I have a 410 and yes I have tried them in both calibres.

If I had a HW100, I would still buy it in .22 so there is nothing gun specific about it. No need to get your knockers in a twist here about a question that has no answer that you want.Take a chill pill and have another think about what you want to know.





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i am with fast hands on this one ,ok the question might not have been to clear but i am to a newbie , and it seems to me the so call old dogs of this forum just stick useless replies about how its all been said and done before ,maybe some of us newbies would like a chat a bout these topics ,i thought that joining would be a good way to talk about the sport we all love ,but for fear of posting an old hat question i feel it now it aint worth it ,i totally appreciate some have been posting on here for donkeys years but give the youngsters some good advice insteading of shooting down some ones post ,in a short space of time ive realized its just a chat room for the geezers who all seem to know each other which is great but the newbies want good sound advice ,why dont you guys that have heard it all before just put a couple of words about the topic which are straight to the point instead of an essy which aint nothing to do with the subject .basically PLEASE STOP BASHING NEWBIES ,by the way fast hands sold my 22 s410 as the 177 s410 is tops for all my hunting

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Thankyou Michael. That was pretty much what I was saying. You just say it better as always.


No one really understands the question you are asking fasthands we can't get our heads around it. We tried to answer what you had asked and were told we were acting like primary school kids. Not a good way to go about getting answers. We are not adding fuel to the fire just trying to answer your question and failing as everytime we give an answer we get told it is wrong or patronizing or not what you are after. Scuba has described it in the only way possible without going into the technicalities of .22 and .177 (which is what you told us you could already work out). If this is not what you are after then please try to explain what exactly you want as your current questions have been answered. We want to help but at the moment you are not exactly making it easy for us.





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Guest Scuba1

cottswood none of us shot down the question that was asked of fasthands. You should know that as you have the 410 in both calibres and there is other then the differences stated zipp in them. As to .177 v .22 it comes up twice a week so one has not got to look to far back in the archives to find a ton of answers , but the differences between .177 and .22 was not what fasthands was after. And gun specific there is other then the ones that where pointed out none. If you look in the FAQ section, you will find a lot of info there as well. I have done one or two posts in there for questions that keep popping up to make it easier for all involved.





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  cottswood said:
i am with fast hands on this one ,ok the question might not have been to clear but i am to a newbie , and it seems to me the so call old dogs of this forum just stick useless replies about how its all been said and done before ,maybe some of us newbies would like a chat a bout these topics ,i thought that joining would be a good way to talk about the sport we all love ,but for fear of posting an old hat question i feel it now it aint worth it ,i totally appreciate some have been posting on here for donkeys years but give the youngsters some good advice insteading of shooting down some ones post ,in a short space of time ive realized its just a chat room for the geezers who all seem to know each other which is great but the newbies want good sound advice ,why dont you guys that have heard it all before just put a couple of words about the topic which are straight to the point instead of an essy which aint nothing to do with the subject .basically PLEASE STOP BASHING NEWBIES ,by the way fast hands sold my 22 s410 as the 177 s410 is tops for all my hunting


Hold on hold on. Lets just get this sorted. We are trying to help here but currently the question asked is not really understood. We have tried to help. I personaly think that the main job of this forum is to help people new to the sport or people who have been involved for some time but need a question answered. The reason we say it has all been said before is because when the question of .177 or .22 is asked the same things are said. So it is often much more helpful and productive for the person interested to look at old posts as they will get their answers faster and stop raging debates.


The majority of members on this forum really do want to help newbies as you put it to get into the sport and i think you will find that most of the posts do this and i think if you ask some of the younger or newer members of the forum you will find that they have recieved alot of help from many members. Not all but many.


The reason there are so many posts here not answering the question is because we don't understand the question. Ask a question we understand and we will help as much as possible.


So please don't accuse us of bashing newbies as that is not what we are doing at all.





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simple answer is personal choice..........the only difference as has been pointed out is the "calibre" and you can compare trajectory data to each calibre by calibre not air rifle .....it remains the same no matter what its shot from it uses a little more air to launch a .177 pellet than a .22, and thats why you get a better shot to fill ratio with the later.




all the best



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