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vet price

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I had to take a cat to the vet it went missing for a week and came back limping and cut paw.

Phoned the local vet and as it was a bank holiday it would of cost me £50 quid just to see the cat.

Next day i went to another vet and he charge £12 quid for the constaltation and the anti inflamatories and antibiotics.

If they didnt work come back and see him.

The cat was fine.

Needles to say i dont go to that vet any more unless i have to.


Take the Border Collies to the dog agility, threw the ball in the air and she jumped 2 feet in the air and mised it, got bollocked for if they land incorrectly they can break bones and need pins and that can cost £500-£1000 so i dont throw the ball high any more but she still jumps the barbed wire fence to get at rabbits.


Thanks for the links for the vet supplies they are in my favourites.



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My old spanial sliced his leg open on an old can or bottle it bled like a b*****d, called the vets (on a sunday) and was told to bring him in, got there the vet had forgotten his keys for the drug cabinat's, he managed to break in to one of them and finally got the dog stitched up, he was so apologetic about the incident he didn't charge me anything! :yahoo: Now thats a nice vet! Friersmoor vet clinic :good:

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