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payed the business park a short visit

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Hi every one

Charlie and I went to the business park Sunday, to see what was about and to cut a long story short. He was feeling a bit under the weather :sick: so I drove and let chaz do most of the shooting, we went out for 2.5hrs and bagged 9 bunnies and 1 pigeon, :good: must say the shot of the visit fell to the HW100KT a standing shot @ 30yds perfect placement :gunsmilie: and it was over :clapper:

Charlie got 4 with aas410k .22 and a pigeon, and I got 5 with hw100kt .177

So the AAS410K & HW100KT worked well as a team

Here is a pic







PS the last one we got had mixy! AGAIN!!! :censored::censored:






Happy hunting



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Nice one Davy mate , whats the crack with the AA stock , i like the look of that , Buster

its charlies he had a load of knocks and sratches on it, so he sanded it all down and re-coated it, in danish oil.

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Guest Scuba1
Great shooting there gents..... what rifle on the right ?????? :search:


Thats one of them cheap want to look like Arny Schwarzennoggin type BB guns made of plastic. Some kid must have left it in the grass there when they where playing cowboys and Indians.






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It seems the airgun world is split down the middle on this one...those who own the HW100 and those who want to ?.....there, I have lit the touch paper and now reteired to a safe distance.





:crazy: :crazy: =@ =@ =@ =@ =@ =@

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