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Just a quick question is there alot of people who just breed working dogs for a quick dollar just to sting the inexpierienced of the working dog world.........Lets face it its not as if there is a shortage of lurchers/terriers as alot of the kennels where i live there is more failed/unwanted working dogs than enough

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otherwise i would buy a pup, but not one that is £200, no way


Why?? If I wanted a well bred pup £200 is nothing, you could easily pay £100 and feed the dog for years costing hundreds upon hundreds for it to turn out a plum. Saying that many lads don't charge at all...................


As for dogs, ANYONE who breeds PURELY for profit is a parasite and I don't include people who breed for their own use........................


Edited to add that perhaps the reason so many dogs are currently being bred or offered at stud is because people are struggling in the current financial and economic situation, just food for thought and perhaps something to add to the debate?????????????????

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never easy where money is concerend top quality will always demand a premium



so breed the best cull the rest


never going to halpen is it could be alot of wastedge which is money to some!!

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If I ever breed a litter one thing for sure...no one on here even hears about them. They are never for sale, they are given away to mates. In turn, i get pups given back and/or stud for free as a standard. Its all about putting the value of dogs far, far higher than the shallowness of money.


Too many litters being bred for money. I don't care what anyone says, alot of this "bred for own use" is bollocks. They are seeing the £200 a pup. And it is a shame. What many do not think about is...If working dogs had little value then dog thefts would be reduced dramatically. It's the stupid £300+ prices that fuels dog theft. The scum that pinch the dogs are doing it to breed from them and sell the pups in many cases.


Money, money, money..... <_<



But hey, that's JMO......J Darcy

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yes it is a shame really, all those pups going to waste, look at that bull x with its bad feet an all going back into its own 2 year old daughter, what is the sense of that mating except to pull money from an inexperienced, kid, all the breading that is under way now as we talk, at least 75% will be cast aside,

put the best to the best, but even then there is wastage, I have a pup now only nr,6 months be interesting to find out how many of that litter make the grade, when they are 18 months old.

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in a perfect world we all could go to a dog shelter and get a rescue dog, but we aint, i breed for myself and to better the stock i have, sometimes it works and sometimes it dosent, when it dosent and the dogs are not suitable for others i will put them to sleep end of, if more people went that way the rescue kennels wouldnt be over crowded with cast offs

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To be honest, if all dogs were £30 each, there would hardly be any dog theft. But the down side is that you will get alot of complete cocks buying them, therefore the dogs may be ill-treated ect..


Complete cocks are buying these dogs anyway and then complete cocks are breeding more litters.......the more money thats in it, the more they will breed.

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otherwise i would buy a pup, but not one that is £200, no way


Why?? If I wanted a well bred pup £200 is nothing, you could easily pay £100 and feed the dog for years costing hundreds upon hundreds for it to turn out a plum. Saying that many lads don't charge at all...................


As for dogs, ANYONE who breeds PURELY for profit is a parasite and I don't include people who breed for their own use........................


Edited to add that perhaps the reason so many dogs are currently being bred or offered at stud is because people are struggling in the current financial and economic situation, just food for thought and perhaps something to add to the debate?????????????????



ive just lined my bitch 3 weeks ago so dont know if she has taken yet but already 10 pups have been asked for. i will be only letting her rear 6, one for me and the rest will be gifted. i have the opinion that if a dog is worth breeding from you will not have to advertise the pups.

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Lol, it goes to show, how many on here breed for ££££.


They then struggle to sell them, lower the price, swop a pup for this and that!!!


I have bred 2 litters over 10yrs never advertised, all passed on, no money involved and working.


Jesus, how stupid people are does not amaze me on here.


Load of Rick a too...........



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