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HW90 silencer

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right i've got a question for everyone,


i have a HW90 curtesy of archiehood and its a great little hunter


but i was wondering although the theoben gas ram is fairly quiet compared to most spring guns is it worth fitting a silencer and if so which one.


or would it make the already long gun, too long?


opinions please





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Hi there mate,

I dont know for HW90's as I havent used one, I have an HW95K which is a really quite springer compared to most. If its already pretty long then a silencer will defo make it a bit harder to aim with and less managable in a tight position... Does it have connections for a silencer? Mine came with it figtted and it screws on or off, it a weihrauch silencer and apparently one of the best on the market. My mate has a gas ram in a Wembley gun, the silencer that was already o nthat when he got it second hand and it didnt make a major difference, may not be worth getting one mate...



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from past experience they are mostly cosmetic or a useful cocking aid on a short barreled rifle - you aint gonna silence the mechanics with it and there is little if any 'pop' from a spring/ram rifle - used to have a 90k - great little gun would have one again tomorrow if i had the cash spare





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i put a webley silencer on mine, heat the muzzlebreak up and it will come off.


i think you've hit the nail on the head there jack, i was out crow shooting this afternon (got nothing) and at the current length i had trouble coccking in a smallish space.


i think i will will leave it standard, i have noticed that when i leave it cocked for too long it looses power which it shouldnt because its a gas ram, could this mean the seal on the piston is going?

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