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lets get something right about golly this time i am f****n sick of all the shit,people keep on saying he has been on loads of bitches that's bullshit.that dog have only mated 5 bitches when i owned the dog that dog is 8 year old that isnt alot of bitches and 2 of those bitches was bred for personal use and not one of those pups were sold they were given away and for saying the dog has gone all arond the place the dog was lent out once to my mate then i had him back then i lent him to another mate when he was lent to that mate in that meantime i got grassed the prick of here. so i said to my mate keep him up there,but he didnt want to do that so he sent me money for him just incase something happended to him that's why the dog wasnt in my kennel because i didnt want the police taking him of me.as he only had 2 teeth left the guy who had him was doing alot of terrierwork so he wasnt suited for him so i gave the dog to nichola forever.

and for saying there are other dogs are as good as him so f****n what who cares i bet there f*****g is its up to the person who wants to use him know one is twisting there arm.A bunch of jealous pricks !

and its easy to slag someones dogs of behind the computer f****n sort it out face to face :censored:

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lets get something right about golly this time i am f****n sick of all the shit,people keep on saying he has been on loads of bitches that's bullshit.that dog have only mated 5 bitches when i owned the dog that dog is 8 year old that isnt alot of bitches and 2 of those bitches was bred for personal use and not one of those pups were sold they were given away and for saying the dog has gone all arond the place the dog was lent out once to my mate then i had him back then i lent him to another mate when he was lent to that mate in that meantime i got grassed the prick of here. so i said to my mate keep him up there,but he didnt want to do that so he sent me money for him just incase something happended to him that's why the dog wasnt in my kennel because i didnt want the police taking him of me.as he only had 2 teeth left the guy who had him was doing alot of terrierwork so he wasnt suited for him so i gave the dog to nichola forever.

and for saying there are other dogs are as good as him so f****n what who cares i bet there f*****g is its up to the person who wants to use him know one is twisting there arm.A bunch of jealous pricks !

and its easy to slag someones dogs of behind the computer f****n sort it out face to face :censored:


All this over a dog called "GOLLY" :thumbdown:


Why get so angry for?


Keep your anger to yourself, because all this will do is attract people to wind you up even more, then the thread gets locked.


There all jealous of GOLLY, every single person wants a dog like GOLLY.


2 teeth left.......... :blink:

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lets get something right about golly this time i am f****n sick of all the shit,people keep on saying he has been on loads of bitches that's bullshit.that dog have only mated 5 bitches when i owned the dog that dog is 8 year old that isnt alot of bitches and 2 of those bitches was bred for personal use and not one of those pups were sold they were given away and for saying the dog has gone all arond the place the dog was lent out once to my mate then i had him back then i lent him to another mate when he was lent to that mate in that meantime i got grassed the prick of here. so i said to my mate keep him up there,but he didnt want to do that so he sent me money for him just incase something happended to him that's why the dog wasnt in my kennel because i didnt want the police taking him of me.as he only had 2 teeth left the guy who had him was doing alot of terrierwork so he wasnt suited for him so i gave the dog to nichola forever.

and for saying there are other dogs are as good as him so f****n what who cares i bet there f*****g is its up to the person who wants to use him know one is twisting there arm.A bunch of jealous pricks !

and its easy to slag someones dogs of behind the computer f****n sort it out face to face :censored:



GOLLY was a bloody good dog and his reputation preceded this turk,take no notice of the self righteous p r i cks and to ssers on this site they all slag off breeding and studding dogs however if people didnt do it we wouldnt have decent dogs anywhere... its funny they all have dogs but theyre dogs musta been made by immaculate conception cos the hypocritical dicks would never breed thmselves would they [bANNED TEXT]!!! Golly and all the proven dogs out there have a right to breed and carry the lines they hold same goes to nicola who now owns him take no notice hun... most would be proud to use a dog like golly!!!

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theres more pricks on this site than a 2nd hand dart board, , they only have a go at owners and there dogs because there pissed of that they will never own a good dog like golly,

I think people get pissed off seeing the name of a decent dog used as a cash machine..... :yes:

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theres more pricks on this site than a 2nd hand dart board, , they only have a go at owners and there dogs because there pissed of that they will never own a good dog like golly,

I think people get pissed off seeing the name of a decent dog used as a cash machine..... :yes:

if a dog has the working reputation the owner has the right to serve the dog if someone makes a few quid back who cares...its theyre luck ive spent thousands on my dogs and i mean thousands my new kennels cost me over eight thousand the year before last... everyone has the right to breed what they want providing they do theyre best to place the pups in decent working homes etc.... theres bad in every sport but you cant knock someone for studing a good dog!!!

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When ever some one has a good dog there will allways be some one that doesnt like it or that will slag it off mate thats life you only have to go to one of these dog shows and listen to some of the guys there to relise how much shit and bitching goes on in the working dog world take no f*****g notice pal.

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theres more pricks on this site than a 2nd hand dart board, , they only have a go at owners and there dogs because there pissed of that they will never own a good dog like golly,

I think people get pissed off seeing the name of a decent dog used as a cash machine..... :yes:

such is life ! - when one of the arabs horses wins the derby they dont not use him at stud for fear of offending people- the dog that wins the greyhound derby goes to stud- i know pigeon fanciers who pay a grand for an unhatched egg - not even the bird ! its the way of the world and livestock are no differant !

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theres more pricks on this site than a 2nd hand dart board, , they only have a go at owners and there dogs because there pissed of that they will never own a good dog like golly,

I think people get pissed off seeing the name of a decent dog used as a cash machine..... :yes:

get your facts right dickhead tell me hows the dog used as a cash machine back this up mind 3 of the times i mated the dog diddnt charge f**k all i had pups back so get your facts right idiot and artic go back behind your desk every one would like to know you are a copper or diddnt any one know this on here yes a copper so wheres the proof that the dog is used as a cash machine then back it up then making your self look like a fool now arnt you

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theres more pricks on this site than a 2nd hand dart board, , they only have a go at owners and there dogs because there pissed of that they will never own a good dog like golly,

I think people get pissed off seeing the name of a decent dog used as a cash machine..... :yes:

if a dog has the working reputation the owner has the right to serve the dog if someone makes a few quid back who cares...its theyre luck ive spent thousands on my dogs and i mean thousands my new kennels cost me over eight thousand the year before last... everyone has the right to breed what they want providing they do theyre best to place the pups in decent working homes etc.... theres bad in every sport but you cant knock someone for studing a good dog!!!


Difference is though, Turk is only offering the use of his (very well proven) dog at stud, he's not peddling the pups to pay for 8 GRAND kennels and holidays.

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theres more pricks on this site than a 2nd hand dart board, , they only have a go at owners and there dogs because there pissed of that they will never own a good dog like golly,

I think people get pissed off seeing the name of a decent dog used as a cash machine..... :yes:

such is life ! - when one of the arabs horses wins the derby they dont not use him at stud for fear of offending people- the dog that wins the greyhound derby goes to stud- i know pigeon fanciers who pay a grand for an unhatched egg - not even the bird ! its the way of the world and livestock are no differant !

Bit of a difference there, is the dog ever going to make someone rich? :blink:


Anyway, fecking bored of hearing about Golly now, last reply to any thread on here with the name 'Golly' anywhere near it. :yes::bye:

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theres more pricks on this site than a 2nd hand dart board, , they only have a go at owners and there dogs because there pissed of that they will never own a good dog like golly,

I think people get pissed off seeing the name of a decent dog used as a cash machine..... :yes:

get your facts right dickhead tell me hows the dog used as a cash machine back this up mind 3 of the times i mated the dog diddnt charge f**k all i had pups back so get your facts right idiot and artic go back behind your desk every one would like to know you are a copper or diddnt any one know this on here yes a copper so wheres the proof that the dog is used as a cash machine then back it up then making your self look like a fool now arnt you




You don't even own the fecking dog now, so what's your problem? No one accused you of using the dog as a cash machine BTW, sorry if it seemed that way.

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theres more pricks on this site than a 2nd hand dart board, , they only have a go at owners and there dogs because there pissed of that they will never own a good dog like golly,

I think people get pissed off seeing the name of a decent dog used as a cash machine..... :yes:



theres more pricks on this site than a 2nd hand dart board, , they only have a go at owners and there dogs because there pissed of that they will never own a good dog like golly,

I think people get pissed off seeing the name of a decent dog used as a cash machine..... :yes:

get your facts right dickhead tell me hows the dog used as a cash machine back this up mind 3 of the times i mated the dog diddnt charge f**k all i had pups back so get your facts right idiot and artic go back behind your desk every one would like to know you are a copper or diddnt any one know this on here yes a copper so wheres the proof that the dog is used as a cash machine then back it up then making your self look like a fool now arnt you




You don't even own the fecking dog now, so what's your problem? No one accused you of using the dog as a cash machine BTW, sorry if it seemed that way.

read your poast thicky

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I was one of the lads that responded to Nicolas thread offering out the dog to stud and did not see the other posts as the thread was removed but not once did I slag the dog on the contrary I have heard he is decent at what he does .....Nicola was putting Golly up for stud with no mention of tested bitches and IMO the if you were to buy a dog out of Golly at the moment or any other decent dog for that matter it might mean something and you have a good chance of getting a decent pup but if the dog is put out to any b£tch .... as what was advertised in the thread then the phrase "out of Golly " will probably mean nothing or will put people off a pup if a few shit litter are produce ...just my opinion and if you want to call me a prik for that craic on

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