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bait for trout

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Fluo green crap, which is over rated and over priced! That works for people who are too lazy to drag a spinner or cant cast in tight spots!


………………………………….I would never leave home with out it!!! :11: :rofl:

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cheers mate, i went out last night for a hour or two on the river by me and caught jack! now these fish arnt very big theres a few not bad ones in some spots but mainly quite small. i took bread and a few dog biscuts with me. some hard some soft and some corn flakes. they wernt interesed in any of them. i chucked some bait in to see if they would take it and had the baits going right past the fish, above and below the surface but still nout. one came to look at a floating dog biscuit but never took it so its not that they were seeing the line. if it matters i was using a small rod old rod with a centre pin reel with heavy line and braid for the last few feet then with a small hook. its strange as ive had fish jump out the water to get the bread before. there was fish riseing. i went in about 8.30 then as i was getting peed off. its hard fishing as the water is shallow and crystal clear so its difficult getting to the fish with out them seeing you. what would be the best bait to try? i even tried a cadis fly bug that was in its case under a rock(there all over the place this down here atm) but still nout.

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thanks mate, i went out last night. same setup just a different bait and time. was using worms that had a bit of vanila cake flavouring over them and got 1 on the second drop in. hooked into another 3-4 but was just pulling the worm slowly out of the water to recast then i would feel the tug and it would spit the hook out. these fish dont take and run they just take and stay there for more food so its difficult to tell when youve got a bite. came homwe just as it was getting dark chuffed. i never usually get anything on the river so was pleased. ill try and get out again tonight and get a pick up of the 1 i got yesterday.

cheers maty.

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thanks for the info on bait,tried all the above the best bait ive found for them at night and is really deadly is berkley power bait clusters orange them are the nutts had a bite a chuck and me and two others ended up with 48 between us most weve ever had fom that resivoir ooops did i say resivoir :11:

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  ferreter_joe said:
Went out last night to try a new lake and the aniseed flavoured maggots. We only had 6 in the end all on the maggots. I think we needed something else to attract them aswell because it was a big old lake and the first time we've fished it. Joe


All the places we go to are poor at the moment as the trout are feeding on all the nats/flys/ & midges due to the warm weather friday night we were out the weather went very cold with a full moon we ended the night with about 50 between 4 but while it was warm no one got a bite bait was sweetcorn maggots bread & trout pellets :ph34r:

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