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which is best and why?

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Guest shadowz

I would stick with them as well and tame them just like you would a kit.

Most I have had here has come in highly agressive and all older ferrets - all of them are lovely now and non biters.


Im actually picking up 2 jills tonight from someone who phoned me to take them.

Apparently he has not handled them since he got them and they are skittish.

He want them gone as he is getting 2 kits from up north on wednesday so the

old ones needed to be gone.

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its not nice to heir about people getting rid of ther old ferrets [bANNED TEXT] ther in ther prim to be replaced by kits just cos people dont no much about ferrets [bANNED TEXT] thay get them and dont trane them proply

go out and reed sum books on what ever pet your geting so that you no how to look after handle and trane them propperly

vi keep ferrets before my 1st one was a vishus ferral jill i founed as a kid she had 15 kits i keep the jill and 8 kits

got rid of the rest it was bye 1 get 1 free evry thing i no about ferrets i got from books

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My jill Poppy was a little c**t until she had her first litter, didn't matter how much I handled her. She had her litter at 18 months old, and calmed down a hell of a lot.


She's good as gold now, I'm so glad that the acupell stayed in the air rifle that day when I'd been savaged yet again, blood pissing from my hand. I'd have lost a brilliant little worker, and she's turned out such a nice little character in the end. :thumbs:

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my jills a nice we ferret to handle until she gets close to your face n then she bites just put it down to her still being young .had one that was wild when i got him always biting nearly gave up on him now hes the cailmest of the lot . ;)

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my jills a nice we ferret to handle until she gets close to your face n then she bites just put it down to her still being young .had one that was wild when i got him always biting nearly gave up on him now hes the cailmest of the lot . ;)

Just a quick thought i had a lad call me last year says i hear your into ferrets i say ok turns out a land owner gave hiim my number says he has 2 demonic ferrets his words ,says they bite and have bitten him a few times and will throw them in the river if he cant re home them :angry: but i kept calm so of i go that day 40 miles to collect them in me pick up ,i turn up they in stupid horrible little rank cages with cr++ all over the place i am still calm on the outside.......so he tells me he cant get them out as if he reaches in they bite him so i open the hutch and out pops this white jill i swear i picked her up she nipped not bit so i put her in to me box and same with other one......i then said about their living conditions he got shirty but i kept calm...then he says they bit his face and shows me his top lip he has a tash i did point out that the hair prob made them bite he says thats when it started he tried to KISS one of them and it clamped his lip...... now i am not over bright but i have a beard and i think that if i stuck my face into my ferret court and tried to kiss them well i am sure you can picture it.......just makes me sick that these little stinkers had been banged up for mths due to this idiots mistake and not saying this is the case on this post just telling a story as i am a sad git with to much time till sep :thumbs:

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I have 3 jills here that i took from a bloke that phoned me and asked if i would take them as they hissed and bit when ever he tried to touch them. I went to his place to pick them up and they were in a guinea pig cage muck everywhere and they were as he said. I had taken a glove with me just in case so i put it on and put the ferrets in my box and took them home. put them into a large cage and left them for 2 days to have a good feed and settle down. on the 3rd day i opened up the cage and thye were quiet but hesitant so i put my hand near them, they did nt try to bite me and have not tried since. they have turned out to great little ferrets and good workers. I only work jills and only use hobs as modern day liners with a collar in case of a kill in

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cheers maltenby and all of the skitty people need to understand that im a begginer and you learn from your mistakes and this site is for helping people & getting help not just throwing everthing they got at people because they dont know what they are doing. tom!!

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nice one mate,stick with it,they will calm down in no time and you will come get to know each other....maybe you could try some gloves until YOU get a little more confirent,maybe you could hold it in a gloved hand and stroke with the bare hand so it can still get your scent properly,just an idea while you get your confidence up.best thing is they will be more mature when you come to work them so im sure they will work better than a kit this season.atb :gunsmilie:

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