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hello lads

got a phone call from a farmer having problems with rabbits he lent me 20 cage traps in the first 7 days i had 54 rabbits

2nd week 34 then in the third week when i checked them in the morning half of them had been move and tipped on there side ithoght it may have been a fox but to day when i went to check them some b*****d had nicked 5 so now i have to tell the farmer anybody else come across this

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the minute you seen they were interfeered with you should have taken them up straight away and, either find a new location for them or wait a few day's to put them down again incase they come back again for the rest, had some fenns nicked a bit back would love to catch them :ninja::boxing: b*****ds

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I've had a couple of Fenns stolen twice now, again in out of the way places. Not that it prevents people from nicking them but i often stamp my surname onto the bottom side of the plates using metal stamps so if i do happen to come across them, i can be suret that they're mine.

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I've had quite a few fenn's stolen, but a few times i've found them thrown in the nearest bushes. Guessing walkers thinking there doing good but dont want to be caught with the traps.


Would love to catch them at it, but maybe a good thing i never bearing in mind how easy it is to loose FAC & SGC.


Anoyys the feck out off me though :wallbash:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Fox cage trap and thousends of snares :shok: reeli anoys me as i know they wernt taken by an animal because the thickness of the wire and the knot i tie is unbeleivably strong!!


realy anooys me

did you say thousends or did you mean some. :laugh:
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