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threading a barrel

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  arveyboy said:
does anybody know anywhere where i can send my rifle to get it threaded, re-crowned and proofed with a predator 8 chucked on the end of it.


any recomendations for good service?


cheers, Jack


Take it to Wildcat/UK Customshop in Droitwich. It's not too far from you. I have always had good service from Andrew

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Trulock and Harris. Framlingham.


Trulock & Harris Limited

Ore Trading Estate

Woodbridge Road



IP13 9LL



phone – 01728 724776 email – info@trulockandharris.com




The guy you need to speak to is Jason, he did a really good job with my rifle, has an excellent reputation, but he is far from cheap!


That said I believe in the old saying 'of you get what you pay for' and any future rifle work I want doing will go there!


Hope this helps!!!



Edited by cbw
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cheers for the posts. i'm not sending it off just yet as im waiting on my mounts to arrive so i can get out shooting with it. i'll probably wait for a couple of weeks until i can gather the money together. does anyone know roughly how much the whole schabang will cost. roughly £250 for the predator 8 i know but what about re-threading and crowning? also should i get it reproofed because i know there is no legal requirement to

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