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first time learner

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my dad as always been into rabbiting so last year a got a colliexwhippet pup he was to young for last season.he is the first lurcher i av had a told my dad a was gonna train him by myself.so when he got a bihe house but he t older a took him fru the day 4 a ratch he loves it he's only 14 month now nd lives in the house he as caught a few fru the day but most ov them were just startin wid mixie but that cant be helped so fair play to him.i took him on the lamp for the first time tonite just 2 c wat he wud b like and in 1 field he chased one but it wasnt very far from the dike nd got away so a went further up the field and lamped one and he got it within 30 meters ov where it was.so a was chuffed to bits with him.what do u think do u rekon he'll amount to anything nd is he doing well for his age or should a push him harder?

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