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BSA Lightning or XL??

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I was wondering whats the difference between the lightning and the xl, as Im not sure which mine is. (now dubbed "Squirrel Harvester")


So for anyone in the know, i would apprieciate your input ?


just google the two, i think its the stock and silencer as well as someting on the trigger

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Probably an old one, i would whack up some pictures but my driving instructor has a squirrel problem so i go round shot a few and showed him the ropes and now hes accounted for another 4.


it has a big old silencer and no chequring on the stock and a slight cheek plate. if that helps at all.


Im seeing how long it takes one something pigeonpluker to come and whack up a post, seems to appear everywhere the bsa lighning is uttered.

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Probably an old one, i would whack up some pictures but my driving instructor has a squirrel problem so i go round shot a few and showed him the ropes and now hes accounted for another 4.


it has a big old silencer and no chequring on the stock and a slight cheek plate. if that helps at all.


Im seeing how long it takes one something pigeonpluker to come and whack up a post, seems to appear everywhere the bsa lighning is uttered.



LOL :clapper: true its probably an old one i dont know of many other springers with such large silencers

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Probably an old one, i would whack up some pictures but my driving instructor has a squirrel problem so i go round shot a few and showed him the ropes and now hes accounted for another 4.


it has a big old silencer and no chequring on the stock and a slight cheek plate. if that helps at all.


Im seeing how long it takes one something pigeonpluker to come and whack up a post, seems to appear everywhere the bsa lighning is uttered.


somebody called!? :D yeah if it dosent have a chequerd grip its then its not a lightning xl. its most probably a standerd lightning. pics would really help as we would be able to identify it in a second. whats the butt of th gun like? black rubber with little diamonds cut in it?

Edited by aaronpigeonplucker
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