donk 12 Posted June 7, 2009 Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 Well im no expert on dogs,just a bloke with a lurcher,but i reckon the breeding of a dog must make a big difference. I know theres good dogs out there that may not have come from 'good' working lines,but my young dog has been so easy to enter compared to my older bitch. It just makes me think that breeding has a lot to do with it? This fella has never let me down,is steady,reliable and gives 100% every time. Thats not down to me,thats down to his breeding. Ive not put nearly enough stuff in front of him that he deserves or worked him anywhere near enough that he could handle,but he keeps proving to me that his breeding has made a lot of difference to his ability. Just my humble opinion though. Quote Link to post
ribb 15 Posted June 7, 2009 Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 that dog looks clever Quote Link to post
Catcher 1 639 Posted June 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 snoopdog said: catcher your heart is in the right place....but if evey dog man or woman went with there heart instead of there head....there would be more shite about than there is now....if you are happy with somthing thats just OK then thats fine ....but some people want a dog thats more then ok the everybody cant have the best but aslong as people keep trying then theres going to be more dogs about thats going to be better than less dogs will get passed you think the likes of hancock plummer ect ect didnt cull and pass dogs on then your sadly mistaken.....ive had the pleasure of meeting some good lads in the coursing game who have been at it for years ....these men might of had three or four top dogs in there time and bred from them ....but how many dogs do you think they have gone through to get these top dogs....dont be nieve about the dog game ....and as for reading the hanncock thread which i know has nothing to do with this thread ..but it has a simular ending .....the truth is hanncocks used to be a decent collie cross a.... lad in my village had one about 18 years ago and thought it was the dogs bollocks .....hes had one since and he gave it away after putting much time and effort into it.....imop it is because there just breeding machines now and never see a field or a bunny ect ect what iam saying is leave the dedecated dog men to there dogs and you stick to yours ...instead of having digs i get what your saying catcher about dogs not getting a chance in some respects.....but if you want the best there has to be sacrfcies......somtimes people are just happy with dogs picking up a few bunnies and the odd hare ect ect ..then others want more then that,,,,,its the same in any animal sport horses dogs ect ect .what do you think happens to lets say a horse bred for a derby and it dosnt make the grade gets sold or passed on or shot for dog meat because they dont want other people to breed from it......trying to put this as politely as i can dont be so nieve,,,...all the best snoop... Hi snoopdog.I respect your input.I am not nieve about working dogs.I had to walk my dads greyhounds from about eight years old.They were bigger than me most times and would drag me along and yes i seen many a greyhound shot because it dident make my dads grade.He got me my fist lurcher at fourteen and took it of me six months later for not looking after it.So i am not just talking for points here.I dident agree with getting rid of a dog then.because it dident meet someones grade and i still dont now.atb . Catcher 1 P.S Never have liked hanncock or plummer Quote Link to post
undisputed 1,664 Posted June 7, 2009 Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 MOO said: undisputed said: MOO said: undisputed said: YOU CANT BREED RATS USEING MICE ...AND IM GLAD THE LADS THAT I DEAL WITH HAVE THE SAME VIEWS AS ME Thats a nobrainer if ever I heard one.....instead of stating the bloody obvious why not offer something constructive and it wont matter how well bred your dog is if you dont enter it properly it wont turn out a good dog....and that was catchers point about folk's expectations of young dogs...rush rush! You and catcher keep banging on about entering dogs properly and any dog will make the grade if entered properly ....thats complete shite you pair are starting to sound like that other haver Brian Plummer I remember reading an article he wrote years ago saying he could get any dog to go to ground and work fox and he reconed he could get a king charles spaniel to enter to fox and be dug to .....There is no dennying entering has a large part to play at the start of a dogs carreer but a well bred dog will normally enter with ease its just a case of not over matching it and im a great believer in no dog has been ruined by being held back .........The facts are some dogs dont make it and as ive already stated with all the rubb£sh being bred these days more amd more dogs will be passed around I ask you this if you had a dog that didnt make the grade what would you do with it or are you the only person I know that everydog theyve owned has made your grade Just as you and the "lads you deal with" (Wilf) think as long as it's bred right it will come good so that'll be two piles of shite then!....What doe's breeding guarantee you?.....absolutely feck all!.....entering a dog correctly plays a Huge part in how it turns doesn't matter how good a tool you have if you dont know how to use it you wont get the best out of it and if thats havering then fine!....what do you mean make the grade?....any dog I've owned has been versatile enough to do a variety of jobs so could always find something for them to grade suits me fine....we cant all be "honest lad's wi high standards"......aye fair enough some dog's dont make it....but the FACTS are that in 99% of the cases it will be something that the owner has done thats caused it..... ....At the end of the day you think your right and are not willing to consider that anyone outside your circle of friends knows what theyre doing so me and Catcher will continue to haver, just a pity Plummer never got round to speaking to you it could have been oh so different and you might have got a bigger chapter dedicated to you in one of his books....maybe you should write one yourself and educate us all. What the fuk has WILF got to do with it havent got a clue what lads I deal with ...and I know breeding doesnt guarenntee you feck all but it definately hieghtens the chances of good stock ....and like ive already said you cant polish a turd and fuk knows where you got that 99% figure from Prob got my stats from the same place you did when you said that 95% of the dogs in here were sub standard Quote Link to post
Catcher 1 639 Posted June 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 undisputed said: MOO said: undisputed said: MOO said: undisputed said: YOU CANT BREED RATS USEING MICE ...AND IM GLAD THE LADS THAT I DEAL WITH HAVE THE SAME VIEWS AS ME Thats a nobrainer if ever I heard one.....instead of stating the bloody obvious why not offer something constructive and it wont matter how well bred your dog is if you dont enter it properly it wont turn out a good dog....and that was catchers point about folk's expectations of young dogs...rush rush! You and catcher keep banging on about entering dogs properly and any dog will make the grade if entered properly ....thats complete shite you pair are starting to sound like that other haver Brian Plummer I remember reading an article he wrote years ago saying he could get any dog to go to ground and work fox and he reconed he could get a king charles spaniel to enter to fox and be dug to .....There is no dennying entering has a large part to play at the start of a dogs carreer but a well bred dog will normally enter with ease its just a case of not over matching it and im a great believer in no dog has been ruined by being held back .........The facts are some dogs dont make it and as ive already stated with all the rubb£sh being bred these days more amd more dogs will be passed around I ask you this if you had a dog that didnt make the grade what would you do with it or are you the only person I know that everydog theyve owned has made your grade Just as you and the "lads you deal with" (Wilf) think as long as it's bred right it will come good so that'll be two piles of shite then!....What doe's breeding guarantee you?.....absolutely feck all!.....entering a dog correctly plays a Huge part in how it turns doesn't matter how good a tool you have if you dont know how to use it you wont get the best out of it and if thats havering then fine!....what do you mean make the grade?....any dog I've owned has been versatile enough to do a variety of jobs so could always find something for them to grade suits me fine....we cant all be "honest lad's wi high standards"......aye fair enough some dog's dont make it....but the FACTS are that in 99% of the cases it will be something that the owner has done thats caused it..... ....At the end of the day you think your right and are not willing to consider that anyone outside your circle of friends knows what theyre doing so me and Catcher will continue to haver, just a pity Plummer never got round to speaking to you it could have been oh so different and you might have got a bigger chapter dedicated to you in one of his books....maybe you should write one yourself and educate us all. What the fuk has WILF got to do with it havent got a clue what lads I deal with ...and I know breeding doesnt guarenntee you feck all but it definately hieghtens the chances of good stock ....and like ive already said you cant polish a turd and fuk knows where you got that 99% figure from Prob got my stats from the same place you did when you said that 95% of the dogs in here were sub standard Hi MOO could you please keep the F words down mate as i gave a man my word i would keep it low.atb. Catcher 1 Quote Link to post
undisputed 1,664 Posted June 7, 2009 Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 SPOTTY BACKED BIG RACK said: ok il put it another way say u give the dog time and patience to prove itself and it proves itself to be pretty crap but u say u will still keep the dog no matter what, well thats your choice but ignorance is bliss because if u keep a dog and try to find uses for it even if there limited and not what u really wanted then u will never know the disapointment and heartache of having high standards and a dog not meeting them not through any fault of the dog or what the owner has done i might add. Here we go again these "high standards" nobody ever says what they are, buch of shysters the lot of you it's like puppy farming in didn't meet my "high standards" get me the shovel and the gun I'll try again new dog oops! that one didn't quite make it on to the next one. Its bordering on arrogance nevermind stupidity to think that only a selected few know what theyre doing and the rest are ignorant. Your like that bunch of old men that feed their ferrets bread and milk and refuse to believe the world is round instead of flat (like your heads) Anyways gotta some turds to polish! By the way spotty are you wilfy in disguise????? Quote Link to post
Catcher 1 639 Posted June 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 undisputed said: SPOTTY BACKED BIG RACK said: ok il put it another way say u give the dog time and patience to prove itself and it proves itself to be pretty crap but u say u will still keep the dog no matter what, well thats your choice but ignorance is bliss because if u keep a dog and try to find uses for it even if there limited and not what u really wanted then u will never know the disapointment and heartache of having high standards and a dog not meeting them not through any fault of the dog or what the owner has done i might add. Here we go again these "high standards" nobody ever says what they are, buch of shysters the lot of you it's like puppy farming in didn't meet my "high standards" get me the shovel and the gun I'll try again new dog oops! that one didn't quite make it on to the next one. Its bordering on arrogance nevermind stupidity to think that only a selected few know what theyre doing and the rest are ignorant. Your like that bunch of old men that feed their ferrets bread and milk and refuse to believe the world is round instead of flat (like your heads) Anyways gotta some turds to polish! By the way spotty are you wilfy in disguise????? Quote Link to post
SPOTTY BACKED BIG RACK 90 Posted June 7, 2009 Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 sarcasm when things dont go your way i must have touched the bone with my post. my high standards are no yapping no jacking no easing off if the quarry looks to be getting away if anything the dog should try harder give it a last ditch attempt to catch it before it hits cover some dogs ease off and stuff gets away that might not have done with a keener dog. it has to have a high catch rate dogs that run 50/50 are no good same with those that blow hot and cold good one night half hearted the next. it needs to have stamina and determination so it can be worked 5 days a week if weather conditions are right with 2 rest days. it has to be able to do this for 6-8 seasons thats if injury doesnt cut it short. its got to be brainy and biddable but able to use its own head to make decisions. my lurchers are all reared well they get a lot of time attention training and best of feeding but once u take them on the field its down to the dog some are better than others once u have a great dog u cant go back to anything less it sets the bench mark. better to have an empty kennel than keep shite. have fun polishing your turds you arent able to discuss things without being crabby so like your pal catcher says "leave it to someone who can" ps who is wilfy? Quote Link to post
Catcher 1 639 Posted June 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 SPOTTY BACKED BIG RACK said: sarcasm when things dont go your way i must have touched the bone with my post. my high standards are no yapping no jacking no easing off if the quarry looks to be getting away if anything the dog should try harder give it a last ditch attempt to catch it before it hits cover some dogs ease off and stuff gets away that might not have done with a keener dog. it has to have a high catch rate dogs that run 50/50 are no good same with those that blow hot and cold good one night half hearted the next. it needs to have stamina and determination so it can be worked 5 days a week if weather conditions are right with 2 rest days. it has to be able to do this for 6-8 seasons thats if injury doesnt cut it short. its got to be brainy and biddable but able to use its own head to make decisions. my lurchers are all reared well they get a lot of time attention training and best of feeding but once u take them on the field its down to the dog some are better than others once u have a great dog u cant go back to anything less it sets the bench mark. better to have an empty kennel than keep shite. have fun polishing your turds you arent able to discuss things without being crabby so like your pal catcher says "leave it to someone who can"ps who is wilfy? Hi mate Plain to see we dont agree.We give a dog a time you dont.Lets leave it at that.Catcher 1 Quote Link to post
SPOTTY BACKED BIG RACK 90 Posted June 7, 2009 Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 sure lets do that i respect what u say about giving them time i just dont give as much time if i see serious faults there. at least u can have the debate without getting shirty so atb to you we dont have to agree but your views are respected from where im standing Quote Link to post
Catcher 1 639 Posted June 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 SPOTTY BACKED BIG RACK said: sure lets do that i respect what u say about giving them time i just dont give as much time if i see serious faults there. at least u can have the debate without getting shirty so atb to you we dont have to agree but your views are respected from where im standing Fair play mate Quote Link to post
weasle 1,119 Posted June 7, 2009 Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 Snoop dog. I get what your saying, but you seem to be talking about a totally different thing to coneycatcher, he is on about your average lurcher lad whos main sport is rabbits, how do you know (IF YOU CARE) that you have the best rabbit catcher. You seem to be talking more about coursing, and i would agree no matter how well you bring up and enter a dog, once behind a hare the dog has either got it or not.If i went lamping with you and your dog caught more rabbits than me, i wouldn't be rushing home to shot my dog,would you. As fore the breeding thing if the lads that are breeding the best to the best and yet still only get a handful of best dogs in there lives,then surely there creating a surplus.The lads im talking about wouldnt really know a good dog if it bite them up the arse, just messers expect to pull there dog out of kennel and it to catch everything they see.Dont tell me you dont know any of these. If you do get them the best pup you can find and i will have a bet with you it will end up the same as all there other dogs. Quote Link to post
hector 1 Posted June 7, 2009 Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 SPOTTY BACKED BIG RACK said: sarcasm when things dont go your way i must have touched the bone with my post. my high standards are no yapping no jacking no easing off if the quarry looks to be getting away if anything the dog should try harder give it a last ditch attempt to catch it before it hits cover some dogs ease off and stuff gets away that might not have done with a keener dog. it has to have a high catch rate dogs that run 50/50 are no good same with those that blow hot and cold good one night half hearted the next. it needs to have stamina and determination so it can be worked 5 days a week if weather conditions are right with 2 rest days. it has to be able to do this for 6-8 seasons thats if injury doesnt cut it short. its got to be brainy and biddable but able to use its own head to make decisions. my lurchers are all reared well they get a lot of time attention training and best of feeding but once u take them on the field its down to the dog some are better than others once u have a great dog u cant go back to anything less it sets the bench mark. better to have an empty kennel than keep shite. have fun polishing your turds you arent able to discuss things without being crabby so like your pal catcher says "leave it to someone who can"ps who is wilfy? well said mate that has to be the highest standard of post i read so far Quote Link to post
Catcher 1 639 Posted June 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 weasle said: Snoop dog. I get what your saying, but you seem to be talking about a totally different thing to coneycatcher, he is on about your average lurcher lad whos main sport is rabbits, how do you know (IF YOU CARE) that you have the best rabbit catcher. You seem to be talking more about coursing, and i would agree no matter how well you bring up and enter a dog, once behind a hare the dog has either got it or not.If i went lamping with you and your dog caught more rabbits than me, i wouldn't be rushing home to shot my dog,would you. As fore the breeding thing if the lads that are breeding the best to the best and yet still only get a handful of best dogs in there lives,then surely there creating a surplus.The lads im talking about wouldnt really know a good dog if it bite them up the arse, just messers expect to pull there dog out of kennel and it to catch everything they see.Dont tell me you dont know any of these. If you do get them the best pup you can find and i will have a bet with you it will end up the same as all there other dogs. Hi weasle. I dont now if you are giving me a wind up.I was takeing hare and fox for a long time before the ban.And had some of the best dogs in my area to do it one on one or as some people would say solo.atb. Catcher 1 Quote Link to post
weasle 1,119 Posted June 7, 2009 Report Share Posted June 7, 2009 SPOTTY BACKED BIG RACK said: sure lets do that i respect what u say about giving them time i just dont give as much time if i see serious faults there. at least u can have the debate without getting shirty so atb to you we dont have to agree but your views are respected from where im standing All the things you said there about the lurcher are pretty standard,id of thought.Thats why i wouldnt get a collie cross can get a bit clever about what they run, must yapping is through bad entering isnt it,but there again wouldnt get a fox hound cross either.I or most other people woundnt expect some one to run a dog with those faults.But you wouldnt need to be searching the earth to get a pup that would do that job i would have thought. Quote Link to post
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