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what does everyone make of this

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this is page 3 of today's daily mail if anybody wants to read it "ATTACK OF THE ORANGE ALIENS" or if you dont have the daily mail check these links.



this was local to me






and this is international news








I'd be interested to hear everyone's thoughts before i explain


ATB, Jack

Edited by arveyboy
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i go with chinese lantons

Yep, most likely these fellas;




I didn't know what the feck they were first time I saw them. We set one off a few nights back, they go pretty high & far away. ;)

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well the cambridgeshire sightings may have been our fault :rolleyes::rolleyes:


we had an 18th party at brampton and set about 50 off at midnight. according one lady they were as big as houses :search: :search: and its an armada of alien spaceships. we dont think we'll tell the daily mail just yet though. keep em guessing :hmm::feck:

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well the cambridgeshire sightings may have been our fault :rolleyes::rolleyes:


we had an 18th party at brampton and set about 50 off at midnight. according one lady they were as big as houses :search: :search: and its an armada of alien spaceships. we dont think we'll tell the daily mail just yet though. keep em guessing :hmm::feck:

:clapper: :clapper:


They're cracking things, aren't they? They go for miles! :thumbs:

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one quote states, 'something was clearly driving them, they were all headed in the same direction and seemed to be going somewhere' or words to that effect. i'd hazard a guess that their 'drive' was a little thing called the wind :clapper::D

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The picture in the daily Mail over Lincolnshire is easily solved!! its Simoman fireing Tracers while out Goose shooting :D.......

Nope wrong ............... :tongue2: it was Simo and Darcy....... at the Lawn Hotel Lincoln .............. some sparks flew :laugh::laugh: , i saw em from ere!!! :icon_eek:

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