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True the shinners have a proven track record for screwing over the people they are supposed to represent so i say hang the lot of them out to dry, I know for a fact that here in Derry they are all a pack of wasters and I love letting them know it.

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<b> FAO dazza..

Dazza keep it to hunting issues man cos u obviously know f*ck all about history..

Dont turn this topic into sectarianism and feed your bigotry..

Apologies to the Moderators and the poster of this topic!

Moderators should lock this topic before it gets outta hand..



This is all I will say on the matter. You call me sectarian and a bigot. I have and always will condemn the killing, harassment and beating of any Catholic North or South of the border. I have and always will condemn Loyalist paramilitaries and all the murders they carried out. Lets hear you condemn the murders carried out in the name of Republicanism i.e that of British Soldiers and the RUC/PSNI. Lets find out who the real bigots are before you have the topic locked.




'the flag on youre page says it all BOY!!!'


The flag of Northern Ireland offends you?

Fair play dazza your more a man and more intelligence then i took you for..

I never condoned any of it on either of the divide, but it was done and done in war.. 'The Troubles' was somethin that everyone experienced, north, south, catholic and protestant. But its a thing we've lived through and its past lets leave it there and move on!

And keep this site for hunting, its about the only thing we're united in!

All the best



Fair enough we have our difference's but at least we have some sort of peace and long may it last. I also apologize for derailing the thread.

fair play boys :clapper::clapper: a brighter future for us all

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all the polictal partys are the same no matter what relgion or they will screw anyone to stay in power and in fancy life styles the only thing that matters to them is there big wage packets are way of life means nothing to them they dont care if we hunt or not they care how many votes they will get if they ban hunting or if they will get more votes if they dont ban it :angry:

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Well Sinn Fein got a beating in the elections and so did the greens. There is talk today that the greens could be finished as a party if it's reflected in a general election vote.


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Well Sinn Fein got a beating in the elections and so did the greens. There is talk today that the greens could be finished as a party if it's reflected in a general election vote.


good riddins to bad rubbish

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Happy days lads... And a well done to the lads for bringing this up and even more to the lads putting in the hours behind the scenes contacting/meeting ministers etc etc.. Its a time-consuming and for alot of the time thankless task :notworthy:

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The shiners were put to one side down here, at rightly so. They are no more a force in our country, thank god.


They are only interested in one thing, and that’s lining their own pockets with gold, and it seems now it doesn’t matter which country the gold came from, as a long life republican I am sad to see the party fall into disarray, they have lost their way in a world of politics of which they have no real understanding of, I am now a critic of the shiners and they will never again get my vote again.

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This member of SF, has pulled out below, wonder why??? :hmm:




Frank I know this man very well, he is a true gent, a real worker for the people, and I dont blame him for leaving the shinners, they are a sinking ship and I expect to see other menbers follow suit.


From what I am hearing most of the shinners who went forward were disapointed with the support that they got from the party, its seems that mary lou is the golden girl at the moment, yet with all the support that she got from the party she still failed to get a seat, I think the shinners will pay for putting all their eggs in one basket, christy will be missed for his hard and honest work, as for the party, hope they all sink with the ship.

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