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Important for all Irish men

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Jimmy youre only wasting your time,anyway to all who want to keep hunting the length and breadth of this great country vote with your heads and stick together.otherwise we will soon go the way of england and have student activists telling us what to do.keep hunting and stick with people who care for this great countryside.support your rural neighbours and they will support you.up the farmers and lets not forget the fishermen too,they are a great breed of people too.get the herring on the plate and scoff the lot,think gerry adams loves the stuff,puts hairs on your chin yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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i have been asured sinn fein dose support hunting

I never thought i'd actually have to say this to people but - don't believe every promise a politician tells you on the run up to the elections :blink:

I'd have no doubt that if they thought there was a vote in it they'd promise to go up and toss our dazza's salad.

At the moment as a party - they DO NOT support hunting - read my earlier post and the links there.

Some like mcguiness and ferris are pro hunting but the majority are not - the top dogs won't want their names attached one way or the other to a topic like this so that's why they find excuses to leave before any vote etc.


Is this Aengus Ó Snodaigh a renegade - is he still the party whip in Leinster House................funny how a supposed pro hunting party whip has his call for 'a total ban on all blood sports, including hare coursing and fox hunting' turned down by the complete out and out anti green party minister gormley :clapper:


I'm not on a crusade against any party - bar the greens - but SF need to get back on track with the vast majority of their members.

Hurt the anti parties now and let them be under no illusion as to why they're loosing core voters and we'll all benefit when the general election happens - which could be very soon.

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They don't support the killing of foxes and hares but for the last thirty years their members took part in and supported the killing of men, women and children.


dazza keep it to the men whos debating the hunting issue ,

we all know your a sectarian bigot ,and jump at every opportunity

to get your point across to anyone whos a catholic .

did i meet you at LEE,S show with your staffy mate from ballybeen .


Here we go again, sectarian bigot, how do you work that one out? Because I'm not a Republican I'm a bigot eh? As for Ballybeen your not even close, never owned a staffy in my life. It will take a bigger man than you to shut me up. I'm entitled to post a reply as is everyone registered on this site. If you don't like what I post ignore me.



"In fact, I would defend to the death their right to express a different point of view" - Martin McGuinness

the flag on youre page says it all BOY!!!
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<b> FAO dazza..

Dazza keep it to hunting issues man cos u obviously know f*ck all about history..

Dont turn this topic into sectarianism and feed your bigotry..

Apologies to the Moderators and the poster of this topic!

Moderators should lock this topic before it gets outta hand..


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Thanks to all for your comments, can i remind everyone this is only my advice not telling anyone anything. However I would like to back up where my advice is coming from. I wrote to SF and I have a letter signed on behalf of Gerry Adams on SF headed note paper from their Dublin Office. It does confirm that they intend to Ban All Bloodsports in particular Fox-Hunting and Hare-coursing. In big Bold writing on the bottom of the letter the exact wording is:


"Text of motion adopted at Sein Fein Ard Fheis 20/21 Feburary 2009:

"This Ard Fheis calls for a total ban all blood sports, including har coursing and fox hunting."


This letter written to me is dated 27.05.09. I am sorry to upset anyone or start any arguments, I just thought that when I had recieved this letter that I should share with others. Sorry if I upset anyone.


Happy Hunting


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Well done for pulling this up lads.. I'd say a hell of alot of lads hadn't heard or seen of talk of this. I'd always thought the shinners where pro-hunting, a few calls will have to be made. A surprise i must admit.


And if any kind hearted soul would be kind enough to show me where the lies is in dazza's post.. and how it's sectarian in any form i'd like to see it. Wind your fcukin necks in lads... and when you've been born,bred and lived in the north i'll maybe listen. Gotta love all these big O'irish men

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<b> FAO dazza..

Dazza keep it to hunting issues man cos u obviously know f*ck all about history..

Dont turn this topic into sectarianism and feed your bigotry..

Apologies to the Moderators and the poster of this topic!

Moderators should lock this topic before it gets outta hand..



This is all I will say on the matter. You call me sectarian and a bigot. I have and always will condemn the killing, harassment and beating of any Catholic North or South of the border. I have and always will condemn Loyalist paramilitaries and all the murders they carried out. Lets hear you condemn the murders carried out in the name of Republicanism i.e that of British Soldiers and the RUC/PSNI. Lets find out who the real bigots are before you have the topic locked.




'the flag on youre page says it all BOY!!!'


The flag of Northern Ireland offends you?

Fair play dazza your more a man and more intelligence then i took you for..

I never condoned any of it on either of the divide, but it was done and done in war.. 'The Troubles' was somethin that everyone experienced, north, south, catholic and protestant. But its a thing we've lived through and its past lets leave it there and move on!

And keep this site for hunting, its about the only thing we're united in!

All the best


Edited by wexford Pa
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as important as it is not to vote for Sinn Fein it's also important to let them and other parties know that going against hunting is not a vote winner.

Ironically, i'd see myself as green on many issues, i'd like to see the environment, but again not only can i not vote green but I thinks it's more important to let them know why.


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They don't support the killing of foxes and hares but for the last thirty years their members took part in and supported the killing of men, women and children.



excatly... 1,2,3...DUP



think this should go in the general section

Edited by dogman89
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Thanks to all for your comments, can i remind everyone this is only my advice not telling anyone anything. However I would like to back up where my advice is coming from. I wrote to SF and I have a letter signed on behalf of Gerry Adams on SF headed note paper from their Dublin Office. It does confirm that they intend to Ban All Bloodsports in particular Fox-Hunting and Hare-coursing. In big Bold writing on the bottom of the letter the exact wording is:


"Text of motion adopted at Sein Fein Ard Fheis 20/21 Feburary 2009:

"This Ard Fheis calls for a total ban all blood sports, including har coursing and fox hunting."


This letter written to me is dated 27.05.09. I am sorry to upset anyone or start any arguments, I just thought that when I had recieved this letter that I should share with others. Sorry if I upset anyone.


Happy Hunting


johnny that is the exact same statement i got from my local sinn fein man who was out canvansing :yes:

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Thanks to all for your comments, can i remind everyone this is only my advice not telling anyone anything. However I would like to back up where my advice is coming from. I wrote to SF and I have a letter signed on behalf of Gerry Adams on SF headed note paper from their Dublin Office. It does confirm that they intend to Ban All Bloodsports in particular Fox-Hunting and Hare-coursing. In big Bold writing on the bottom of the letter the exact wording is:


"Text of motion adopted at Sein Fein Ard Fheis 20/21 Feburary 2009:

"This Ard Fheis calls for a total ban all blood sports, including har coursing and fox hunting."


This letter written to me is dated 27.05.09. I am sorry to upset anyone or start any arguments, I just thought that when I had recieved this letter that I should share with others. Sorry if I upset anyone.


Happy Hunting


johnny that is the exact same statement i got from my local sinn fein man who was out canvansing :yes:



Alright Scent,

I didint think this would get so heated. Anyway I think now everyone has realisewd I was just giving them a heads up. Hope all well. Prob see you Sunday. Hope thumb is heeled.

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lads we cant let this happen to our hunting or our ways we all have to stick together i for 1 wont be voting for Sinn Fein ill keep the tradition going for my kids and their kids hunting is our way of life so all hunting men stick together






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lads we cant let this happen to our hunting or our ways we all have to stick together i for 1 wont be voting for Sinn Fein ill keep the tradition going for my kids and their kids hunting is our way of life so all hunting men stick together







we will!

if my parent vote sinn fein like normal im moving out!

thats the spirit old chum :D

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Guest lampingwithmurt

no we had one at our house there last week and when i came in he asked me what the dogs where for and i said rabbits and then he left.................... :o :o :o ....please dont vote for them

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