Johnny85 50 Posted June 3, 2009 Report Share Posted June 3, 2009 Lads, Please take note when voting that it is not just the greens trying to ban our sport but now Sein Fein have jumped on the band wagon. At their recent Ard Fheis They announced that they want to ban ALL BLOODSPORTS. In particular they mention Hare-coursing and Fox-hunting. When questioned about banning ALL bloodsports they said they would not ban fishing and shooting game for human consumption, but that Fox-hunting and Hare-coursing/Hunting will definitly be banned. I am not telling anyone how they should vote but please make ALL your friends aware of this All the Best Johnny85 Quote Link to post
scent 509 Posted June 3, 2009 Report Share Posted June 3, 2009 i know johnny i had it out with my local sinn fein rep.I for one certainly wont be voting for them this year Quote Link to post
tommy.c 859 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 dont think that would get a united ireland!! have to ask gerry whats his crack tomorrow johnny thanks mate! Quote Link to post
dehoffmeister 2 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 cheers for the heads up johnny...... they stand for everything i believe in except that i wont be voting for them!! Quote Link to post
jimmys shop 182 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 Yes its a well known fact that Sinn Fein is ANTIS , Sure they through the towel in on everything else that they had stood for . Do,s anybody remember the MARTIN McGUINNESS that went to trials in early 70,s .(fact) . Quote Link to post
wexford Pa 84 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 THIS IS NOT TRUE lads, ive been onto Martin Ferris (Sinn Fein TD) about this and received a letter, i'll quote the letter later when i get my hands on it.. But basically their NOT tryin to ban any legal hunting, its just dog fightin, badger baiting and general animal cruelty.. Sinn Fein actually promotes all rural activities and pastimes.. So johnny85 could be better gettin some facts before tarnishin political groups before an election.. Quote Link to post
jigsaw 11,899 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 Well Wexford Pa those activities are illegal allready so how could they make them illegal then?I was speaking to a Sinner and he admitted they were anti hunting but as an individual he wasnt,but thats not much good to anyone so I think you should approach you sinn feinn rep and ask again.I will not be voiting for them and hope others follow suit.I tried to get the local radio station to broach a member of the party and ask over air what their policy was on the matter and get it up for debate in the public domain but it hasnt happened. Quote Link to post
wexford Pa 84 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 All this came about from a badly written and misreported article in the an phoblacht by McCabe.. Theres Sinn Fein members and followers not happy about it as most of them hunt thereselves in some way or another.. I am a Sinn Fein member and have contacted Parnell Road and Martin Ferris TD (who is an avid pro hunting).. And recieved a fax from both, as i said i will quote from the letter later.. Quote Link to post
Corkonian 44 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 THIS IS NOT TRUE lads, ive been onto Martin Ferris (Sinn Fein TD) about this and received a letter, i'll quote the letter later when i get my hands on it.. But basically their NOT tryin to ban any legal hunting, its just dog fightin, badger baiting and general animal cruelty.. Sinn Fein actually promotes all rural activities and pastimes.. So johnny85 could be better gettin some facts before tarnishin political groups before an election.. IT IS TRUE - I was at a meeting with gerry adams a few weeks ago - he said himself that the dublin city ogra put forward the motion at the last Ardfheis and it passed. Ferris is going to put forward his own motion at the next Ardfheis to try and overturn it - but as it stands SF are an anti party. There's no guarantee at all that his motion will be passed. I hate giving the antis any publicity here but have a look at the ICABS site and you'll get plenty of info on where a lot of our politicians stand on the issue. eg. Aengus Ó Snodaigh, TD calls for ban on blood sports 07 April 2009 Sinn Fein TD, Aengus Ó Snodaigh, has asked the Ministers for Environment and Agriculture to "introduce legislation banning all blood sports including hare coursing and fox hunting". Replying, Minister Gormley stated that he does not have a licensing or regulatory responsibility in relation to fox hunting. Minister Brendan Smith, meanwhile, stated that the new legislation will "ensure that animal welfare is properly protected and that penalties for offenders are increased significantly". This proves that unfortunately it was more than just a late night motion slipped through at the Ardfheis - they have a mandate now and they're acting on it. Have a look at - Countryside_Alliance_Ireland_meets_with_Sinn_Fein Also with the news yesterday that the greens approached SF on behalf of FG - you can see that this could be a serious threat to us in the future. Personally - it's hard to believe that a party like SF are anti - hopefully they will change their stance before the next general election. Quote Link to post
skinthegoat 26 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 Sinn Fein are going on the anti hunting ticket and most of them dont even know about it.But its toe the line or out the door And the majority of youngsters joining OGRA are coming from middle class students who dont know and never experienced Republicanism and never will they see it as a good career move hoping they are going to be with a growing party,even grassroots are starting to ask themselves whats it all been for when kids are telling them "facts" and dont even know who they are talking to,all around wexford and wicklow they are using the rural stance backing the farmers and fishermen and what good are antis to farmers,none.the more of the newbies that join the party then the more of these policy swings will happen,people who have always voted sinn fein are asking why should we and are now voting with their heads and not their hearts and that includes me.same as in england when labour jumped to the anti ticket how many labour voters switched because it was going against their lifestyle and heritage,same here.And "general animal cruelty" can be interpreted or misinterpreted in many ways especially when it gets on a students union board Quote Link to post
wexford Pa 84 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 Your right about most things there Corkonian, it was ogra Sinn Fein who proposed the motion and it was in Ferris' letter that he was to overturn the motion but that all it is a motion its nothing in stone.. But in sayin all this i know staunch supporters who were very upset about this view, me included! Anyhow im gonna get on the blower now n get some latest facts n i'll let u all know for sure.. Quote Link to post
jimmys shop 182 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 Interesting this is only coming to light now , we had this argument 5 years ago with a shinner in West Belfast ,he was lost for words then and still is now .Wake up its a money party now nothing else . Ask the genuine men who was on the ground there feelings now . Quote Link to post
skinthegoat 26 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 Here we go again.Keep this to a hunting issue please there are plenty of political forums there for both of your sides to discuss that,this is the terrier section afterall and the post is about their mandate and policy on HUNTING.Dont be hijacking the fellas post to vent your own political feelings,every opportunity jeeeeeeeeez Quote Link to post
jimmys shop 182 Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 They don't support the killing of foxes and hares but for the last thirty years their members took part in and supported the killing of men, women and children. dazza keep it to the men whos debating the hunting issue , we all know your a sectarian bigot ,and jump at every opportunity to get your point across to anyone whos a catholic . did i meet you at LEE,S show with your staffy mate from ballybeen . Quote Link to post
Guest ozzy Posted June 4, 2009 Report Share Posted June 4, 2009 johnny ur out of ur depth here mate i have been asured sinn fein dose support hunting this was passed in dublin the same way the ban was brought in uk london done the demage if u dont vote sinn fein it wont get over turn everyone needs to stick together houndmen terrier lurcher strongdogs rabitmen greyhound men horsemen etc get on the phone today to a sinn fein menber because if we dont stand together us terrier and lurcher men will be sold out like they did in england Quote Link to post
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