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Why us Hunters?

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I have just been reading a post with a link that likens LAWFUL shooting to prostitution and the like.


And this got me thinking...Why is it that Hunters,Shooter, whether you be running your dogs, or on a big formal day are all discriminated against of the subject of prejudices.

This is shown right across the board from school kids to work.


Now this is the clencher for me. By and large, these people wouldnt think twice about eating a battery farmed chicken living in bog standard conditions.


I would love to know if anyones closer to figuring this out.

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Guest Scuba1
Think how stupid the average person is. Remember half the population are even more stupid than the average person.




Do you think its that bad ????





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Think how stupid the average person is. Remember half the population are even more stupid than the average person.




Do you think its that bad ????





Not always as it means those who may be smarter can take advantage of their lack of nous. ;)

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Guest Scuba1
Think how stupid the average person is. Remember half the population are even more stupid than the average person.




Do you think its that bad ????





Not always as it means those who may be smarter can take advantage of their lack of nous. ;)


Ok that leaves 40%






p.S. I belong to the other 70%

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I think you'll find matty hit the nail on the head naivety ! Millions of people in this country have no concept of hunting or even of any form of country life.

If food isn't pre-packed and on a supermarket shelf its not edible or if it isn't bothering them its not a pest a doesn't need to be controlled.

Unfortunately thats the world we live in.

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Guest Scuba1
I think you'll find matty hit the nail on the head naivety ! Millions of people in this country have no concept of hunting or even of any form of country life.

If food isn't pre-packed and on a supermarket shelf its not edible or if it isn't bothering them its not a pest a doesn't need to be controlled.

Unfortunately thats the world we live in.


I think you hit the nail on the round flat bit at he top there as well. These days there is almost no way that people can be taken closer to our way of life because of all the rules and regulations that are in place against us. So are going to be less of us as time goes by.





Edited by Scuba1
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I would tend to agree, its sad but true that most of the UK population show an almost unbelieveable ignorance when it comes to understanding the origin of most, if not all of the food they eat.


If it comes from a supermarket then it must be proper wholesome food, mustn't it ?

After all its prepacked and nice and clean.


Most of the wild animals that are hunted have enjoyed a happy life devoid of mans influence, not so when it comes to any commercially farmed livestock

Cattle are herded from field, to field, to shed to slaughterhouse, whereas a deer for example shot with a supersonic round will have lived a totally free existance and will be blissfully aware of the bullets approach, this has to be more morally acceptable than commercial farming and yet people think its cruel, its just a total ignorance of the way in which most hunters gather food


Its the same with fish, apparently its cruel for me to catch and kill trout, thats a fish that i only catch when it takes my fly as opposed to a fish that is compressed in a net with several thousand of its kind.


Any fish i kill are lifted from the water and killed instantly with a sharp knock on the head, adhering to the old addage never keep a fish out of water for any longer than you would wish to be held underwater.

Not so for the commercial marine harvest, these fish are not given the quick release of the priest and are mostly gutted whilst still alive, yet how many people who condem the rod and line fisher will eagerly visit the chippie for their cod and chips ?


Its just a wholesale ignorance, or in some cases an unwillingness to understand what we do.


witness a conversation i had with a work colleague


Barbera : i think that fishing is cruel


Me : ' do you think that i am cruel ?


Barbera : well yes i reckon so


Me : i am going fishing this weekend Barbera, would you like a trout if i catch a few ?


Barbera : oh yes please, that would be nice


now pick the logic out of that one

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Think how stupid the average person is. Remember half the population are even more stupid than the average person.




i don't know if anyone listens to radio 1 but they conducted a bit of a survey for fun. they asked random people for two things to be answered. firstly they were shown a picture of 10 downing street and asked who lives there. secondly they were asked who lives in a pineapple under the sea, the answer of course being spongebob squarepants.


now i know GB won't be living in number 10 for much longer the way he's going but not one person answered the number 10 question right. the most popular answer seemed to be 'David Beckham'. i can't believe that from a survey of random people not one of them knew who our Prime Minister was and where he lived but every single one of them knew where a stupid sponge lived.


makes you proud to be British doesn't it :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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Think how stupid the average person is. Remember half the population are even more stupid than the average person.




i don't know if anyone listens to radio 1 but they conducted a bit of a survey for fun. they asked random people for two things to be answered. firstly they were shown a picture of 10 downing street and asked who lives there. secondly they were asked who lives in a pineapple under the sea, the answer of course being spongebob squarepants.


now i know GB won't be living in number 10 for much longer the way he's going but not one person answered the number 10 question right. the most popular answer seemed to be 'David Beckham'. i can't believe that from a survey of random people not one of them knew who our Prime Minister was and where he lived but every single one of them knew where a stupid sponge lived.


makes you proud to be British doesn't it :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:


I think that Sponge Bob Square pants residence, under the sea in a Pineapple is a sad reflection on the current housing situation in the UK :D:D

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Guest oldskool

if hunters bend the law a bit too much i hate the way the media like to say that these type of people are often involved in other illegal activivites such as stealing cars, drugs or else we are all dangerous, violent louts that should never be approached... my work mate likes to wind me up by agreeing that hunting should be banned... when i left him off home his mum was in tears that there was a rat the size of a cat behind the coal bunker... guess who they asked to kill the rat :wallbash:




i should have walked away and said hunting was cruel

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im constantly amazed at how stupid and ignorant people are :( a couple of months ago i was working for b&q home delivery not only was my driver doing his paperwork while driving he was trying to text his mate and asked me how to spell "door". this same guy had earlier reacted with surprise when i told him rabbits were infact edible.

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