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Ferret bedding?

Guest michaeltreadwell

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Guest michaeltreadwell

Been told that hay can cause them to overheat and that using sawdust can cause respiritory problems and that i should be using a dust free bedding. I've tried pet shops and all they sell are hay straw and sawdust. I've found some wood based pellets and they are expensive so was looking to see if there was anything online. Thanks

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for their bedding you can use old fleece's, not towels as ferrets can get their nails caught in the thread.. That

way you can put them in the washer when they get tatty.

you can line the hutch with lino for easy cleaning, fasten a cat litter tray to the floor, fill with some

woodbased cat litter/shavings put some poo in there & hope they go in the tray like mine :)


cat litter is not that expensive, you can get 30l of it for a tenner, will last you abit if you havnt got many ferrets.


Edited by joe14
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Been told that hay can cause them to overheat and that using sawdust can cause respiritory problems and that i should be using a dust free bedding. I've tried pet shops and all they sell are hay straw and sawdust. I've found some wood based pellets and they are expensive so was looking to see if there was anything online. Thanks



where did that info come from, :hmm: did they also say not to put them down warrens in case they pick up ticks or fleas

in the summer, the box just gets woodchip put in, winter time, I add some hay or straw, whatever is around at the time, if they get hot, they will move, rather than bake

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Use a good layer of shavings on the floor to soak up the crap & shredded paper in the bedding box , kept mine like this for donkeys yrs no problems what so ever

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i use straw in the bedding box and on the floor ov the hutch iv noticed the ferrets digging most of the straw out of the bedding box on the warmer nights and days

i dont use woodshaving or sawdust anymoor as it wood make my ferrets sneez alot

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