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mosberg hushpower 410 pumpaction

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Ive got one.


Yes, its a 3 shot pump action. (1 in the barrel and 2 in the mag). How quiet they are depends on where you use them. If im in the middle of an open field, then it sounds as loud as an unmoderated air rifle. Its like a loud sneeze rather than a BANG!. If you are near a hedge, or a barn or anything which will reflect the noise then they are a bit louder. They certainly are nowhere near as quiet as a silenced air rifle, but infinately quieter than a normal shotgun. In fact it still feels really bizarre using the hushpower due to the lack of noise.


Another point to note, the actual pumping action (click click) is actually quite loud compared to the noise firing it makes. The only other downside i find is that the gun is physically quite long with the silencer on it, and with the 410 version you only get the hushpower barrel, whereas with the 12bore version you get both the hushpower barrel and a normal barrel.


All in all, it depends on what you wish to use it for. If its rabbiting then id suggest a PCP air rifle. If its for shooting moving targets or novilty value then go for the hushpower. Im happy with mine, its a great rugged little shotgun. Its light, easy to use, hardly any recoil and quiet.

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