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that there is the only fenn tunnel i have ever seen that has had effort put into it.lol. normally just 3 bits of wood nailed together roughly. but they look very good and good luck. iam sure theyle do the job

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Oh come on now - give the lad some credit here.


What I see in this tunnel is evidence that someone has given a bit of thought to how he wants to use a tunnel.

  • It's got easy access to the traps for checking and reseting. Something which people have been commended for on here previously.
  • The pegs are firmly held and robust, so won't get pushed aside by determined hedgehogs where a couple of twigs might.

Ok it might be a bit over engineered and not the sort of thing you'd want to carry round in any quantity, but I like the approach Harry has taken. Shows he thinking which has got to be a good thing.


I think this tunnel design as a permanent set would be very useful.



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Guest MickyB
By looking at the pic will the fenn have enough clearnce when set off to fully close the roof look's a bit low????? nicely put together tho :good:

Thats what I thought..... could dig the trap in a wee bit tho..? Personally if I make tunnels, im a 3 plank man myself!!

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Good bit of work there mate.........i am sure it will work just fine. i would worry about losing those pegs before i got to the trapping site though :cry: Simplicity is what i look for nowadays, and i agree with some of the others that three boards work ok for me..........although i do permanently restrict the entrances of mine to suit the target species. I have bigger ones for mink and squirrels to take Mk6 Fenns........and smaller tunnels for the Mk4's for rats, stoats etc.


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I didnt mean to over-complicate things, it was just a boredom thing and i'ts only to be used at one place for squirrels so i did'nt mind to much about the weight.

Cheers John and Rolfe :)

And would it not be ok if it was dug to the level of the ground? All in all i'm still a kid and still learning so i need all the advice i can get :yes:

Thanks for all replies

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Take no notice of the self acclaimed pro's mate .Theve forgotten what youth was all about -experimenting .They are stuck in their own little world where one man is king and they are the sheep .You do your own thing and you will learn along the way .Just keep at it mate :notworthy:

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Take no notice of the self acclaimed pro's mate .Theve forgotten what youth was all about -experimenting .They are stuck in their own little world where one man is king and they are the sheep .You do your own thing and you will learn along the way .Just keep at it mate :notworthy:


Absolutely spot on...

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Not getting at any one in person mate ,just some encouragement for the lad would of done .Seems to be a wealth of knowledge in this section thats destined to die with the older generation .Simplicity is the way but practical experience teaches you that .He will learn but in the meantime - some encouragement please .

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