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Guest Sheamus.
  foxdropper said:
Strange that vim .You once posted on another site that you were a bricky for most of the year and did a bit in the winter .Well winters arent 8 months long mate .Attention to detail pal .A liar will always be caught out .You are on peoples cases too much to not be caught out .Fecking messer .


Put it like this Drooper i bet i earned more off the Deer last season than you did off the fecking trowel boy :D

Oh and you wont pass your level two with that Fanny`s bipod on your foxing gun neither, fecking pretender :wankerzo4:

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I dont intend to pass either .They are for people who know feck all and require a fast track just to be allowed a deer rifle .I learnt ,am still learning the hard way and will not be taking any fecking test to that effect.Its a big con ,i know it ,you know it but why support it .More than i earned on a trowel ,good one mate :notworthy: I dont use a trowel these days as i employ 25 brickies to do just that for me .Thats hell of a lot of deer to match what i earn :whistling: .Look forward to your article in Darcys new book though mate ,seriously.

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John, don't get wound up, you don't need to prove anything to the likes of sheamus, hes what would you call it, a bit insecure...

Let it go over your head..Although I must admit his smarmy comments do make you want to smash his head in... :laugh:

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Guest Sheamus.
  foxdropper said:
I dont intend to pass either .They are for people who know feck all and require a fast track just to be allowed a deer rifle .I learnt ,am still learning the hard way and will not be taking any fecking test to that effect.Its a big con ,i know it ,you know it but why support it .More than i earned on a trowel ,good one mate :notworthy: I dont use a trowel these days as i employ 25 brickies to do just that for me .Thats hell of a lot of deer to match what i earn :whistling: .Look forward to your article in Darcys new book though mate ,seriously.


Drooper the place that take`s my venison will not entertain anyone who doesn't have the correct paper work. Every carcass is labeled, dated, sexed along with the location and my Hunter ID number.

Thats so it can be traced straight up the food chain back to me if anything should go wrong. It`s called quality control. That's how it should be and i fully support the procedure`s that need to be followed.

Stops the pretender`s you see ;)

You loosely describe yourself as a Builder?? I presume with no CSCS card either because that's for folk that know feck all :laugh:

I have seen many guy`s like you drooper who profess to earn large amounts off imaginary work forces only to drive about in uninsured trucks which they don't actually own.

That's how much money they make,lmao.

Oh and enjoy the article it was written to gain acceptance and notoriety :laugh:


Enjoy the Bucks..

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There you go again see pal ,spouting shit which you know a little bit about .Its not the law of the land that you cant sell venison without the paperwork to a dealer .Tags can be filled outwithout a hunter i-d.Shooting vast amounts as you do i would of thought you would know that .

The cards are in order ,the truck taxed and insured and its mine .Any time your out of work mate send me your cv and ill see if theres a space in a canteen somewhere .Tea boys are hard to find these days but knowalls two a penny .

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Guest Sheamus.

Drooper read what i write more slowly it will help you condense and take on board the accurate contents of my posts more easily ;)

You can in fact sell venison or any other game with out any DSC 1 or 2 paper work because not everyone is as particular as the more reputable game dealers which operate through out the UK.

Oh don't hold your breath waiting for the CV pal i don't believe in them. They are for people who know feck all and require a fast track just to be allowed onto the scaffold :laugh::laugh:

See it`s easy to sound like a cock ;)

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Listen boys if sheamus-vim says something, it must be true ok-he is the leading authority on all deer matters in the uk,end of.


His aptitude stems from school days when his class mates used to get hold of the ginger twat and stick his head down the bog and flush it, Either that or lack of anal action lately...the boy's an arse dont waste your time with him.

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Flushed with your own importance i see, again .No well respected lurcher man would lower themselves to your level vim ,unless they were in the flush of youth and easily lead .

On your own and home alone no doubt ,flushed all chances of happiness away years ago .Sad ,sad little boy .

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