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How high can you jump

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  Sheamus. said:
It`s a high front shoulder shot John and not a "perfect" heart shot. Hence the jump..

I gralloched it mate it was a heart shot even though it didnt kick out its legs

this is an edited version off the full legnth you see the deer walk 15 m turn 180 degrees and fall over kicking it could,nt do that with pinned shoulders

Dont believe every thing you read i never said its reaction to shot was perfect i will see if on the client photo i can see entry or exit and will publish if i can.


regards john.

Edited by john robbo
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Guest Sheamus.

John i normally believe feck all that i read ;) but my opinion on the shot placement in vid clip was wrong judging from your picture above.

As was your description of a "perfect" heart shot going by the entry hole position on the Roe.

Anyway how the feck did that guy cope with scan around with his binoculars whilst stalking??

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  Sheamus. said:
As was your description of a "perfect" heart shot going by the entry hole position on the Roe.

Anyway how the feck did that guy cope with scan around with his binoculars whilst stalking??

Think were the deers body is if it was stood up that entry will be lower on the body.

the last part about scanning makes no sense to me sorry

a client funnily shot a buck this morning a perfect heart shot and a perfect reaction.


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Guest Sheamus.

What does the guy do then John when he stops to scan around using the bino`s?

Does he put the gun down ont floor every time or pass it to the guide,lol..

As a guide i thought you`d insist or at least strongly advise on fitting one to the divi`s who turn up without one.

Because for a fact you`d fail your DSC level 1 without one..

Oh and when you gralloched that "perfect" shot beast it would of been a perfect lung shot by the position of the entry ;)

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  Sheamus. said:
What does the guy do then John when he stops to scan around using the bino`s?

Does he put the gun down ont floor every time or pass it to the guide,lol..

As a guide i thought you`d insist or at least strongly advise on fitting one to the divi`s who turn up without one.

Because for a fact you`d fail your DSC level 1 without one..

Oh and when you gralloched that "perfect" shot beast it would of been a perfect lung shot by the position of the entry ;)

A. he was,nt on a dsc2 stalk im his guide i do the looking

b. we had earlier been in a high seat were he used HIS binos hence a very short walk therefore no sling the deer was shot shortly after dropping out of the seat we had basicly finished when i saw him fraying a sapling.

C. you can deffinetly prove me wrong when i was there Again remember when that beast is upright on his feet that hole would be a high heart shot which in my opinion is a perfect shot


E I am a pro and an DSC2 A.W. so need no briefing on what anybody needs you are very obviously an expert far superiour to me as you posses telepathic powers

If you had shot plenty of deer you would know they have,nt read any manuals and don,nt always react text book.theese manuals INDICATE reactions to shot there are always exceptions I have seen well shot deer just stand as if missed then go wobbly and fall over.

How much field experience have you honestly got?

I bow to you :notworthy:

Edited by john robbo
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Guest Sheamus.

John i didn't mention a DSC Level 2 witnessed stalk i mentioned DSC Level 1. The divi would of failed his level one before he got to the dizzy height of level 2 and that's a fact.

If i was taking a guy out stalking he`d have to find his own fecking deer pal hence the need for a sling and a set of pretender`s sticks,lol.

There`s no way John a bullet even touched the heart on that beast not even if you were sitting 25 meters high in a seat at a 25 yard impact :search:

Now for the (E) bit Johnny :D

Could i call myself a Pro if i made my living from personally shooting Deer for 8 months of the year as well has having DSC Level 2 ??

I suppose your honesty question is answered right above eh Johnny ;) oh and i bow to your A.W. status's that's some achievement i believe :laugh:

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read the post i said we had dropped out of the seat and were at its base

but again your determined to prove me wrong

anyway i have never before or since seen a deer jump so high with any shot never mind an alledged heart shot.

how do you know his sling is,nt in his pocket after fitting his bi-pod or any other number of reasons you were proved wrong by the high shoulder shot and just want to have a go ,judging by your other posts you are an argumentive sort

best wishes john,

p.s it was a perfect(high heart shot). :notworthy:

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Guest Sheamus.

Johnny a shot on a beast like that from that range and looking at how high up the body the entry is in the picture there`s no fecking way that come even close to the heart.

More likely to have pierced both lungs, nowt wrong with that though so don't get so agitated. But yes i agree it jumped high..

The sling is`nt in his pocket because to attach a bipod as you would know you only have to remove one sling swivel and the other end would be still attached to the bottom one

Attention to detail you see Johnny ;) It`s a bit like how we caught Roysten out some years ago on a 8ft dig to his terrier when the dirty fecker posted picture of the dog in the bottom of the dig still on its lead :laugh:

Anyway i`v answered your questions now answer mine :D

Could i call myself a pro like you do if i make my living (income) from personally shooting deer myself over 8 months of the year as well as holding a DSC 2?

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  Sheamus. said:
Johnny a shot on a beast like that from that range and looking at how high up the body the entry is in the picture there`s no fecking way that come even close to the heart.

More likely to have pierced both lungs, nowt wrong with that though so don't get so agitated. But yes i agree it jumped high..

The sling is`nt in his pocket because to attach a bipod as you would know you only have to remove one sling swivel and the other end would be still attached to the bottom one

Attention to detail you see Johnny ;) It`s a bit like how we caught Roysten out some years ago on a 8ft dig to his terrier when the dirty fecker posted picture of the dog in the bottom of the dig still on its lead :laugh:

Anyway i`v answered your questions now answer mine :D

Could i call myself a pro like you do if i make my living (income) from personally shooting deer myself over 8 months of the year as well as holding a DSC 2?

Yes mate you can dsc2 or not

i wasnt saying it was in his pocket i was saying it could be same as any other reason as i am perfectly sure i would,nt have him walk behind me with his rifle in his arms but i can not tell you where he has put it.

But one thing i can be sure off is that it was a high heart shot

we will have to agree to disagree mate.

heres andy on the following morning i dont think he would have walked all morning without a gun on a sling whilst shooting this lot do you?



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Guest Sheamus.

Quote: heres andy on the following morning i dont think he would have walked all morning without a gun on a sling whilst shooting this lot do you?


You never can tell with some divi`s John :laugh:

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Strange that vim .You once posted on another site that you were a bricky for most of the year and did a bit in the winter .Well winters arent 8 months long mate .Attention to detail pal .A liar will always be caught out .You are on peoples cases too much to not be caught out .Fecking messer .

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