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Welsh section D stud

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  • 2 weeks later...

We got 2nd........out of 2! lol

He went well and behaved himself considering it was his first show he was really chilled, infact a bit too chilled and didnt really show himself well in the ring. Next time we are going to get there just before the class starts and take him from the trailer to the ring so he is a bit more hyped up and he might show himself a bit better, fingers crossed!

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nice cob him l+l got one me self here for a bit of heavey work she has a bit of clysdale through here to thicken things up.


Edited by doga
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  doga said:
nice cob him l+l got one me self here for a bit of heavey work she has a bit of clysdale through here to thicken things up.


Ahhh, sweet. I got a section C and a few section D's for sale, having a summer stock reduction ready for foaling next year.


Here is the section C, Dafydd


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