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Shooting Hides

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I've got a new permisson recently, and its very open, mostly flat. I've only walked around it once but its a place what see's very little human contact and the wildlife there is really good.


The problem with this is that when the rabbits see me, at a full fields length - there off!


So i'm going to invest in some netting to maker into a hide.


Now i'm looking at getting a big piece say 8ft x 12ft woodland camo netting, and as I've never used it before I was thinking off doing like a triangle with some poles and nothing over the top and standing up to shoot, over the top of it, is this right?


Also do you double up the netting, or is a single layer enough camoflauge?


I've also seen these pop shooting tents, I think Jack Pike do them but I don't think they look all that.





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you may apretiate a hole in the side, so no human shape apears and disapears. or mayve put a dip in the net with some cover higher and behind you to help hiede your outline... if theres a vantage point you could also make a lower version and lay down or sit cumfy...(with some over the top,may add shade in the sun.)

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  • 1 month later...

Sounds like my permission.

As soon as I climb the gate they're gone!


I went to a surplus store in Hull last week for some netting.

Sold out and wont have any in for a few weeks :(


How did you get on tonight?



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