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Dog howling barking at night in kennel

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As per title what the feck do i do to keep her quiet. I just ignore her. i sleep fine but the neighbours dont.


She's six months old had her from a guy who had 12 dogs in a couple of kennels so she's used to company


I've had her for 2 nights going on 3rd night. so fair enough new kennel and all that.


So please ideas wil be greatly received.




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As per title what the feck do i do to keep her quiet. I just ignore her. i sleep fine but the neighbours dont.


She's six months old had her from a guy who had 12 dogs in a couple of kennels so she's used to company


I've had her for 2 nights going on 3rd night. so fair enough new kennel and all that.


So please ideas wil be greatly received.




radio 4 -- mine have it on day and night ..
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As per title what the feck do i do to keep her quiet. I just ignore her. i sleep fine but the neighbours dont.


She's six months old had her from a guy who had 12 dogs in a couple of kennels so she's used to company


I've had her for 2 nights going on 3rd night. so fair enough new kennel and all that.


So please ideas wil be greatly received.




radio 4 -- mine have it on day and night ..

don't let the light into the kennel at night close the door and cover any opening dogs do bark and howl at the moon light because of shadows and fear they become the lookout for the pack had this problem a couple of times and makeing the dog feel secure stopped it.

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As per title what the feck do i do to keep her quiet. I just ignore her. i sleep fine but the neighbours dont.


She's six months old had her from a guy who had 12 dogs in a couple of kennels so she's used to company


I've had her for 2 nights going on 3rd night. so fair enough new kennel and all that.


So please ideas wil be greatly received.





it might seem nasty but chuck a bucket of cold warter at her in the face that what stoped my mates dog doing it

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As per title what the feck do i do to keep her quiet. I just ignore her. i sleep fine but the neighbours dont.


She's six months old had her from a guy who had 12 dogs in a couple of kennels so she's used to company


I've had her for 2 nights going on 3rd night. so fair enough new kennel and all that.


So please ideas wil be greatly received.





it might seem nasty but chuck a bucket of cold warter at her in the face that what stoped my mates dog doing it

Here we go again, make a unsettled new dog feel really welcome in it's new home!!!!!!!!!

Try a radio as mentioned, also a warm hot water bottle in the bedding, to replicate body warmth of the dogs it used to sleep with. A bone or chew last thing,and a toy may help to settle it. Until it has the confidence that it is not abandoned,in a strange place, it may not sleep properly.

If you resort to the water shock treatment, a squirt from a squeezy bottle is plenty. There is lots to try before this though.

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You could try putting on an old shirt that you are not too attached to.

Get nice and sweaty and skanky in it and then put it in the dogs bed.

You are now the pups new mummy -Bitch :D

With any luck pup will snuggle down in the shirt thinking of you and be contented.

It worked for me with a JRT.



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try a long walk late at night then feed it when you get back so it has a full belly and wants to sleep,


or radio always dose it for my dogs smooth fm the good old oldies should do the trick,


falen that get your old socks and put them in the beddin will give it a bit more comfort


and if none ov them work get a nother dog to keep it company


i dont like usein water on a new dog as it is only scard and lonley away from its kennel mates






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She was ok last night, neighbour said she didnt hear her. I put my dirty t shirt in her kennel for her but she's not using the kennel yet. Im not too worried with that, as its quite warm out now.


I've put 2 solar lights down there for her, as its quite dark at night.


I'll leave it for tonight then if she persists tomorro i'll put a radio down there.


Thanks for the advice.


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Went to Tesco earlier, they had an offer on a fur throws 150cm x 170cm was £20 reduced to £2.50. People were going out of the shop with trollies full. I bought two both for the dog. Very happy with that.

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