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gyr x saker male?


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What percentage you going for? from a person who has gone down that route i would opt for a pere/saker male for a crow hawk but if you a set on a gyr/saker i wouldnt go for anything less than 3/4.You dont see many people flying male gyr/saker crow hawks,maybe there is a reason.Good luck anyway it would be nice to see one flown with success at crows.

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A 3/8 bird at 1.11 has enough power mate its just their lack of enthusiasm with corvids.Mine would chase pheasant all day? strange hey,he caught 2 crows in 4 months of trying and struggled killing them(one almost blinding him) .Maybe he would have come good in his second season but i got rid.

ATB Graham

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Okaaaaay! Doesnt really matter what percentage gyr/saker. The biggest factor is the person training it. Weights go for fek all either. Had 50/50 males fly at 2lb 2oz and 3/4 male at 1lb 13oz.

Male Per/Sakers are almost too small for the job, apart from the odd nutter. Female Per/Sakers are the perfect all rounder. If your hearts set on a GS, go for it, itll still take crows and gulls if YOU do your job right.

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  ayrshiretaxidermy said:
Okaaaaay! Doesnt really matter what percentage gyr/saker. The biggest factor is the person training it. Weights go for fek all either. Had 50/50 males fly at 2lb 2oz and 3/4 male at 1lb 13oz.

Male Per/Sakers are almost too small for the job, apart from the odd nutter. Female Per/Sakers are the perfect all rounder. If your hearts set on a GS, go for it, itll still take crows and gulls if YOU do your job right.


Good advice! :good:

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some falcons are born Rook Hawks and some have to be made with a fair amount work. there's a guy I know in essex who has a couple of Tiercel Peregrines which are cracking Rooks hawks, I also known of a couple of male Pere x Sakers which got the job done also no problem, If you get the confidence up on the smaller males without over facing them a good percentage will do the business for you......


As mentioned above alot comes down to the skill and techniques of the falconer but not all will make good wedded rook Hawks. I flew 3 Pere x Prairies! 2 of which came from the same parents! one was pretty average which could have been down to me but got the job done on its day! the smallest bird of the lot flying around 1lb 10 did the job with added enthusiasm, a real Gem..........



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