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lumens and candlepower

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Guest Scuba1
id not worry about lumens mate just takea bit of advice from people who own a tesco cree torch for the money they are the dogs nuts more than bright enough for genral airgun shooting

i have both the aa and the c cell both out perform many dedicated rifle lamps/torches i sold my old logun lamp on ebay and still had money left over after buying both tesco lamps atb mal


cheers i think i will, so do they sell them in all the 'big' tesco stores?


and whats the best way to fix them to the gun, i have seen deben tracer mounts and a plastic clip and velco strap one?


what do you recommend to finish of the budget outfit other than a remote switch



Get four 1 inch pipe clips for wall mounting pipes from B&Q and glue and screw them back to back. A bit of black paint and you are sorted.





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late in on this one but.. the LED lenser H7R (or H7) is about 140 luminum on full power, gives about hundred yards use without a coloured filter.

the TK10 Tacticle from fenix is 60 or 200 luminums, the 60 you can mange up to about 50 yards on rabbits ufiltered, the 200 lum's does indeed light up to 200 yards. (filters cut the 200 lums down to about 70 yards but thats with a logon orange filter backed by a second orange acitate,the 60 lums becomes a 30 yarder ish).


both are cree.


the IR off ebay ilumates about 80 yards onNV.. its cree also, its best feature is its literaly hardly visable close up when looking towards it.. works on digi or intencifier.



on ebay thye sell just the led board, other places sell the regulater circuit boards, alas the heads and glass i havent found for home made versions, although theres maglite and other replacement bulbs about in the cree variety...




well worth the effert.



edit, most the ebay and other 2 CR123 battery types and afew of the AA types are 1 inch body tubes, an '8' ring of ebay for a 5'ver to a tenner sit on the scope and fit the torch bodies.


if your going to use them its worth getting rechargeable CR123 or what ever batteries.. be aware there's 3v 3.2v 3.7v etc if using for electronics.

Edited by ghillies
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here's a pic of my diana mod52 with my fenix slung below...


from the blurb that came with it, it should be good for 225lumens with 2x cr123a (3.7volts) cells..


i use this occasionally for lighting up the (very high, 100') rafters at work to deal with a feral pigeon problem..


it's fantastic at it too :yes:


i have bought two of the tesco torches (one for me and one for a mate) and both have developed problems in that they switch off occasionally and have to be shaken vigorously to come back on (also had the same problem with the fenix :censored: :censored: , i must be just unlucky with flashlamps :cry:





regards, john...


btw, one little niggle with the tesco torches is that the batteries rattle about inside so i cured it by cutting a squeare of thin card and wrapping it around the batteries- job done ;)

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