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deben mk1,mk2 or mk3?

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I've just bought a mk3 and was wondering what is the main differences between the mk1, mk2 and mk3? I've noticed the mk1's are still going for good money while the mk2's don't seem to sell very well. Is there any major differences and which do you use and why? Cheers, Kristian. ;)

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I like the mk1s got a few boxes and collars when i heard they where being made redundant, the mk2 didn't appeal to me there where too many faults and thats why i think they rushed out the mk3 .Just bought a mk3 and two collars off a guy on here and cant wait to see how i get on with that this season and start swapping over if im happy with it

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i think that people that have used the mk1 would want that more as most people dont like change, i read that the mk2 was discontuied due to too many faults, i have a mk3m and i would say it is the best piece of kit i have ever brought. as for the best place to buy them i would say on this website or rabbiters.co.uk for secondhand or a shop if ya getting new, everything on ebay seems to be going for silly money.

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i use the mk3m and it spot on,takes a bit of getting used to,and the collars are a lot smaller than the mk3,bit on the noisey side like,i just turn the sound of till i pin point,

and they are a bit flimsy,for the rip off price they should be a more a sturdy item,seeing as the enviroment they are used in,but they got us by the balls,thats why i wouldnt buy anything else from deben,rip off t***ts :wankerzo4: atb,ian

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I have one mk3 collar and one mk3m collar, i'd say the mk3m is a bit better because you don't need to remove the batteries, but performance wise they are both as good as each other.

A mate of mine that i ferret with uses a mk1, it seems a good locator but no better than the mk3,and he has had some problems with it occasionaly, i think most people that use the mk1s do so because it is what they are used to.

In my opinion, once you know how to use them the mk3 is a fantastic peice of kit.

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well a mk3m with 2 is about £200 and another collar is another £60. think you would be best off buying a brand new box with 1 collar and buy 2 second hand collars, the lot would then only cost you about £220 instead of £260, would also advise buying all mk3m collars as they have different battery sizes to the mk3's

Edited by dj.chapman
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