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hello im just interested to see if any one has any ideas as to how i can stop my puppy barking in the night and early morning ,i watched it slyly and it seems as though its winding my other dog up any one help me? neighbours are moaning

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any ideas where to get a barking alarm it is a first cross bull grey,it is thick as shite ive done the water trick already and that hasnt worked i try tire it out making it run after crosser that dunt either

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shock collar defo i had the same problem,only had use it a couple of times with the batteries in, now i put it on without batteries the dog thinks no different,many different ones knocking about now most pet shops stock them now.atb

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anti-bark collar i'v used them they do the trick never used on a pup tho how old [bANNED TEXT]?

its nearly nine month now id like to shut it up and my neighbours at the same time the winging anti -fackers

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shock collar defo i had the same problem,only had use it a couple of times with the batteries in, now i put it on without batteries the dog thinks no different,many different ones knocking about now most pet shops stock them now.atb



Same here, although the ones I have seen in the pet shops are the spray type ones.

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bottle of water one with the sports top spout thing like a volvic bottle and wait out of sight till its starts run in squirt in the face and shout no and it works pretty quickly usually takes a bit of time like everything else but it will soon get it

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