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ive got a 15 week old dog and its a proper puff is there any way i could overcome this thanks. tom!!

Well it should be catching and retreiving by now ,I would get rid of it.


Seriously its a baby mate ,give it time ,bond with it ,learn it basic obedience ,especially the recall,sit stay etc,plenty of time for the rest.ATB

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are you all dicks on here n0ob heds the lads asking how he can overcum this how co7uld he make him game its in his upbringing tom look what happed to josh lol he got torn apart by bronson because it was bring on to kill just giv him time if he doesnt do wat you want unlucky but mite chage in an insant fancy asking that on here yu new what was gunna ha[ppen lol they all think they know it lol lads trhe lads young give him a break he my best mate insted of having go at him tell him, wat he needs to hear help him he just learning oike the rest it his 1st dog he wants it well onest you lot call yaselfs hunters and that carnt evan give decent advice cranks and tom tek the dogs swimming weekend let myn swim up stream put bit of strenght into her and nuttalls selling trainers seen him to nite getting some tomorrow giz a ring if you want a pair bud get em cheap off him lol

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are you all dicks on here n0ob heds the lads asking how he can overcum this how co7uld he make him game its in his upbringing tom look what happed to josh lol he got torn apart by bronson because it was bring on to kill just giv him time if he doesnt do wat you want unlucky but mite chage in an insant fancy asking that on here yu new what was gunna ha[ppen lol they all think they know it lol lads trhe lads young give him a break he my best mate insted of having go at him tell him, wat he needs to hear help him he just learning oike the rest it his 1st dog he wants it well onest you lot call yaselfs hunters and that carnt evan give decent advice cranks and tom tek the dogs swimming weekend let myn swim up stream put bit of strenght into her and nuttalls selling trainers seen him to nite getting some tomorrow giz a ring if you want a pair bud get em cheap off him lol

I would comment on your post, if I could understand it.Is it in code?

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hahaha i live up branksome and north road lol haha so what bout houghton and redhall lol and people i have seen this dog it really is a puff scared off flys lol curbs and all sorts rest off the litter are all mentle lol

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look sorry people but why cant you all tell me in a good way why do you all take things ott. and i dont live in none of them areas so im ok lol. tom!!


let a pup be a pup , play with it , socialise with it , with people and other dogs , ferrets if need be , plenty of time later on to worry bout hunting.


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