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Old Nuttall vs. New Nuttall

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I have my thoughts on what constitutes which, but seeing as I'm just a dumb yank, what do you on the other side of the pond consider the turning point in Brian's types? Explain difference in size, what key breedings were of the old type and new type, hunt style difference, etc. Put some reasoning behind it. Post up a pic of the old type vs. a new Nuttall terrier. Looking forward to see what "we" all think here.



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Guest busterdog

Hi Rolly,


I will try and get some picture of my mate, but i haven't got a scanner to down load them.


IMHO the dog's Nuttall used to have were a damned sight bigger than they are now.


I know he always had small dogs in his yard, but not all of them were that way. Poker was in my mind a classic Nuttall dog, a little gladiator.

I have spoken to Brian about his dog's and he says they carry a "dwarfism gene" his word's not mine. Can't knock the working blood in them, if you get the right line.

The draw backs i find with Brian's dogs is they are all barrel chested, i don't mean they are big in the chest just barrel shaped. If you out cross his dogs with a larger strain of dog's you get this feature exaggerated,the problem with barrel chests is if it's tight they can't turn one way or the other, at least with a dog thats deeper or more narrow in it's chest it could turn one way or the other.

Edited by busterdog
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