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newbie needs some help

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hi i have a staffordshirebull terrier and for the last two days we have been out rabbiting but without success .

he is really good at following the scent etc and does everything i tell him acept his recall is really poor soo i keep him on a really long extendable lead but i think the main thing is me i dont know how to stalk that well lol o and one more thing when ive told people about me and cody going hunting they say oooo he will turn nasty do you find this with your dogs?

many thanks j

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Guest busterdog

In a word NO, the more work the more tired and mentaly stable he will become.


Dogs were ment to work, just ask any post man who has bin savaged by a yorkie. :)

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hi just anorther quick qestion i manged to get permition too go rabbiting on a golf course near me but the only problem is i can only go either very early morning or late at nite lamping . now i might be completly wrong on this one but would i have better chance at nite and if soo can anybody give me some tips?

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hi just anorther quick qestion i manged to get permition too go rabbiting on a golf course near me but the only problem is i can only go either very early morning or late at nite lamping . now i might be completly wrong on this one but would i have better chance at nite and if soo can anybody give me some tips?
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you are not going to catch anything on a extendable lead and if the dog will not come back it is going to limit you so start off with the basics befor you anywhere near anything hunting turning the dog nasty that is complete rubbish hunting even just rabbits will do the dog a lot of good keeping it fit phyically and mentally hope this helps


and a good running dog is a good idea

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you'll never catch rabbits regularly with a staffordshire bull terrier,one or two at most i should imagine[excluding babys and ones with myxamatosis],thats with one off the lead,on the lead forget it. you'll soon lose yourself the rabbiting land if the owners want to use you for rabbit control,get yourself a lurcher or another sighthound.

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i have a staffy he has probley caught about 3 to 6 healthy rabbits in 6 yrs plenty of baby and mixy though and he is out every day and off the lead he is a good dog for bushing along side my lurcher though

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