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Badger Baiters beat the local biggest show in area to front page...

Guest miller1989

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Guest miller1989

POLICE swooped on a house in Tynedale during a convert operation into badger baiting and cock fighting.

As a combined investigation with the RSPCA special operation unit,officers executed warrants under the Wildlife and Countryside Act and Animal Welfare Act at numerouse properties in Tynedale.

A number of items were seized which were connected with Badger Baiting.

PC Andy Swinburne,said: Wildlife crime will not be tolerated and anyone seeing such activities should report it immediately.

The investigation is ongoing and they are looking for the owner of a black terrier-like-dog answering to the name brock,anyone with any information on the owner should contact us immediately. Three men arrested aged between 21-34.







What does everyone make of this!!! It beat everything to the front page so it cannot be missed and where all sure to be tarnished if seen with a terrier or a lurcher as they dont even know the difference between a terrier and a lurcher by the sounds of it!

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POLICE swooped on a house in Tynedale during a convert operation into badger baiting and cock fighting.

As a combined investigation with the RSPCA special operation unit,officers executed warrants under the Wildlife and Countryside Act and Animal Welfare Act at numerouse properties in Tynedale.

A number of items were seized which were connected with Badger Baiting.

PC Andy Swinburne,said: Wildlife crime will not be tolerated and anyone seeing such activities should report it immediately.

The investigation is ongoing and they are looking for the owner of a black terrier-like-dog answering to the name brock,anyone with any information on the owner should contact us immediately. Three men arrested aged between 21-34.

the police are ideots with nothing better to do good luck to them theyll need it


What does everyone make of this!!! It beat everything to the front page so it cannot be missed and where all sure to be tarnished if seen with a terrier or a lurcher as they dont even know the difference between a terrier and a lurcher by the sounds of it!

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Guest miller1989
tbh if you splirting were you shouldnt these things are gunna happen like people on this forum posting pics of foxs like this place is full of antis dont forget your only 3 foot away from one lol



LoL tell me about it mate,all they need to know is i know where they live! :wankerzo4:


What newspaper?


If your anywhere in Tynedale mate im sure you will read it soon! Not guna say what paper covering myself not that ive anything to hide i only own a lurcher,but thats besides the point plus everything they wrote ive put up! sorry pal atb

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Guest miller1989

This has showed real interest but not alot of comments,not that i excepted many on a touchy subject for some.

The main reason i put this up was to show that this is what we look like in the public eyes.Im 40-50 miles from the area this happend and it hit the headlines on our local paper,why? I think its shocking we are all made to look bad when theres only a handful that are!

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This has showed real interest but not alot of comments,not that i excepted many on a touchy subject for some.

The main reason i put this up was to show that this is what we look like in the public eyes.Im 40-50 miles from the area this happend and it hit the headlines on our local paper,why? I think its shocking we are all made to look bad when theres only a handful that are!


deffinately worth posting about. But i dont think it would have mattered weather they were badger baiters, badger diggers or just average terriermen who abide fully by the law. In the publics eye all terriermen are just a bunch of 'badger baiters', alot of fellow fieldsportsmen even snarl and talk badly of terriermen! Badger digging, baiting, fox work, whats the difference????? We all know theres a hell of a difference but to the public we are all a bunch of baiters!

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Guest lurchers&terriers
This has showed real interest but not alot of comments,not that i excepted many on a touchy subject for some.

The main reason i put this up was to show that this is what we look like in the public eyes.Im 40-50 miles from the area this happend and it hit the headlines on our local paper,why? I think its shocking we are all made to look bad when theres only a handful that are!


i know what your saying pal, iv heard people more than once mumble under there breath when they see me out with the dogs "hes been badger baiting" or hes one of them "badger baiters" the public's lack of knowledge shocks me at some point every day. It looks like the antis have done there job in filling people with crap but hunting representatives Inc the CA hasn't done half as much to educate the public with the truth. nearly everyone has heard some horror storey about hunting but know nothing of the truth.

Edited by lurchers&terriers
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Guest Defender Poacher

About 15 year ago I browsed a stall that an anti had set up in the middle of a busy shopping centre, was well shocked at the lies I read in there posters and leaflets. The propaganda and misconception they push has been brain washing joe public for over two decades while fieldsports people have fought amongst themselfs and done very little untill it was to late, what else are we to expect these days?

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the newspapers make a mountin out of a mole hill i was charged with the badgers act in feb 2007 and the newspapers write aload of shit about me and my dogs i lost 7 dogs or 11 month before geting found not guilty at court and the sspca had to return all my dogs to me so i never beleave what the papers say ;)

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its that bad if you got your lass to wear some camo gear and to walk across the fields with the terriers even if they are pets she will end up with the police waiting for her.its these do gooders when they drive past and see anybody with terriers they are going badger baiting,never mind a walk or just rabbits in the do gooders eyes you are going baiting

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Some folks cant help showing orf and taking pictures to brag with. These are known as Master Baiters and they are the most dangerous of all the Baiters or diggers as some like to be called.If you would like to take a masters degree dont delay get a camera today!AND YOU TO COULD BE ON THE FRONT PAGE OF YOUR LOCAL PAPER.

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