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The Changing Face of Gundogs

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There was a very interesting artical 2 weeks ago in the shooting times, by Mr Lindsay Waddell.

He describes old keepers dogs and how versitile they had to be, he also goes on to say how cross breeds are becoming more popular once again ie sprockers and the like.

He then goes on to write how GWP are now being crossed over Lab bitches and in the main are producing excellent working dogs with all the attributes of both breeds, working game with a tender mouth, as well as dealing with all the pest species that keepers face, be used to check traps and track deer, this means the dog can be used all year round not only in the shooting season.


I noticed this week in the Sporting Answers section, the question of whether this would be a good cross was asked and Mr Paul Rawlings of the shooting times advised against it.


I know alot of experienced Gundog folk on this site dont agree with any crossing of perfectly good existing breeds, but this dose sound in theory a good match, if all of the good points of each breed are carried over, of course there is a good chance of bad points also being past down, but please let me know your thoughts.



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as a died in the wool pighunter with a passion for crossbred dogs for that purpose and a gwp breeder, in fact the only working gwp kennel in this country i can honestly ask why ?

is the labrador so bad in the uk that it needs to crossed to get a keepers dog,and what happened to the curly coat :blink:

gwp's as a rule don't cross well, and crossing them with labs, well known to be arseholes for fighting will give you an even bigger problem with some of the offspring...... those keepers arn't doing both breeds any favors.

there are some very good lines of gwp in the uk, well suited to keepers dogs and i'm sure the labs are not that bad :(

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Thanks for the replys.

Can i just point out that I DO NOT find the GWP lacking in any way what so ever and have owned and admirred them for many years.

This was just an artical that i found interesting and wondered what others veiws were.


I am not having a go at either breed, far from it, i have owned both breeds and know there are advantages and disadvantages in both, as there is in any breed.

I have recently taken on a Lab bitch pup and was impressed with the amount of good hunting Labs (rather than Peg dogs) around at the minute that are suitable as a rough shooters dog, possibly compaired to 15 years ago when i was looking for a Lab last time, this may be due to the internet and easier access to kennel information or just some kennels / Keepers breeding against the grain of the slow thick Labs seen in the press of late.


As a Vermin shooter i work my dogs all year round and a GWP is probibly more suited to the job, but as i found myself with out a dog and i wanted something that matures quickly, but it is my intention to add a GWP to my kennel in future while i still have a dog thats working, this will allow me to take more time over its training instead of being tempted to shoot over it to soon as i would of if i had taken on a pup now.

Hope this makes sense.



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fair enough comments mate, how ever i disagree with the comments about them being slow to mature.

get a good one from non trialing lines, eg one with german breeding and they have no issues with them being like hairy gsp's.

my own dogs are out there doing it at 9 mths and by 2 are seasoned gundogs that just on with the job.

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But i can only realy go off the last GWP i had and others i have known, his sire was the Norweigian import, the Norweigian Ambassidor at Gavic (Nico) out of Paul Robinson Kennels and the dam was a Falconry bitch, he was daft until 2 but then became an excellent allround hunting dog.

It was maybe a little to much show blood in him, but next time i will look much further into the breeding lines for steadier stock.


Kiwi, you can tell you put the time into your training and are very Knowledgeable in the breed, that was my first GWP, although i had gundogs before, maybe it was my unexperience at the time and not the dogs slow maturity.



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i would be looking at the quality of the falconry bitch myself, i tend to look harder at the bitch than the dog.

the baltic stock seems to be more birdy than most, getting them to a high standard of training as with any breed does take time as ya know but i don't think it's any longer than say a spaniel, alot depends on the pup you chose of course ;)

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