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Rabbit/Training pen

Guest Countryboyo

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I have built a small rabbit pen and im just looking for advice on stocking it and managing it etc. any advice greatly appreciated.



How big is it?


What is the cover like?


How well is fenced ?


The one I use (not mine sadly) is about 2 acres & has white grass & some bushes (not to many as it's about getting contact flushes).


This pen contains ONLY wild rabbits. The owner says they act & smell different to pet rabbits & at the end of the day that's what we are going to hunt.


He has no great problem with them digging out as he has tucked fence under & buried it. He also has a narrow drainpipe or two semi- buried so the rabbits can escape if a fox should get in.


This drainpipe has an access hole that he can kick the rabbits out of & block up the pipe ends while using the pen.


Hope that helps?

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Guest Countryboyo

Thanks for the reply lad. My pen is only a very small one 1/4 acre maybe and it is acting as a chichen pen at the moment. I have the pen turned in a couple of feet at the bottom to stop rabbits digging out. it is only 5 foot in height so it wont keep foxes out but I will put down plenty pipes for escapes . also if the rabbits wish to burrow I wont stop them once its not too close to the boundary fence.

I wont be using this pen to train gundogs.

I was wondering will the wild rabbits breed in this size of a pen?

The cover is a few branch piles and plenty long grass Il try upload photos of the pen shortly.

Any advice greatly appreciated.


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