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Three of one

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Now then airgun lovers ( and I dont mean moonlight valley types ) Thought it was fairing up, so grabbed the kit and off for a short session in the margarine fields after bugs bunny and his mates, just got sat down in a promising place, and it p**sed it down, quick dash under an evergreen tree, looked up to see two wood pigeons, lucky or what :yes: took the nearest one out with a veiw to nailing both, but I'm not that lucky, nice thought though. Sun came out again, so a quick dash back to where I wanted to sit, shake of the grass to get most of the rain off, sat down, and sat watching me was a full grown rabbit, slowly lifted the gun, whack and and its down, just got sat down, and more rain, back to the evergreen tree :D And whats looking down at me, the other pigeon, so I gave it the long stare through the cross hairs, and picked up my second doo of the evening, rain stopped, back to the wet grass :( A thirty five minute wait until another bunnie popped out onto the shooting gallery, this one saw me straight away, but made the mistake of standing there thumping to warn his mates, so bunnie number two joins his mate in the bag, it started to rain again, I had an idea that it may pass as quick as the other clouds, there's a reason why I dont gamble, and the cloud did not pass, so a steady walk back to the evergreen tree, and stuff me, whats looking down at me, pigeon number three, whacked and packed, this was a heavy shower and basically put an end to the evening, so a quick photo session for this topic, and packed up, but if I learned anything tonight, its be under that evergreen tree next time it rains. ;)

Happy shooting.





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my advise to you would be get your self a waterproof poncho, they are really handy just pullit over you when it rains, and lie on it when the grass is wet,nice shooting buddy & pics :clapper:


by the way me tinks you lot are jealous of my moonlight valley?



davy :big_boss:

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Guest Scuba1

Dinner sorted

Nice shooting






p.S. No Davey....... but I want to know what he uses the margarine for he has in them fields :secret: :secret: :secret: and why one would want to take a black make up bag out on a shoot

Edited by Scuba1
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  Scuba1 said:
Dinner sorted

Nice shooting






p.S. No Davey....... but I want to know what he uses the margarine for he has in them fields :secret: :secret: :secret: and why one would want to take a black make up bag out on a shoot


The make up bag is just in case I appear in one of my pics, and the margarine attracts the bunnies.


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Excellent haul. I spent about 1hr 30mins at one of my permissions yesterday afternoon, but it was very windy. I only saw 1 bunny and shot it with a nice headshot from about 25->30 yards. Didnt realise until i got upto it that it was a young one as i could only see the tips of its ears sticking above the grass when i pulled the trigger. Still, its in the frezzer now, all ready for the pot. :)


Regarding pigeons, ive noticed pigeons do seem to make easier targets when the weather is rough. They seem to not fly about as much, prefering to perch in a tree or on a fence more.

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