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im after a fox caller!


i aint doing too bad without one...(11 foxes in one week)


but the fields are big and i cant squeek that loud..


so lads whats the one to buy!!


atb adam.


i couldnt say exactly mate as i use my hand but i would definately stay away from anything american :whistling:

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i use the U CALLER , i have had one since they first came on the market , its got different chips you can put in it to use and works well at distance.


i have had foxes come from 3 fields away to the call , also the vixen call works well on the the cubs and the dog foxes love the vixen call from mid october to about mid december .


i have had loads of good results with the U CALLER

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I've had good success with the fox call uk; its handy because you can hold it in your mouth while mounting a rifle/shotgun. You can vary the pitch by biting harder or softer on the call, Its not going to break the bank an £11 either.

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try making one mate all you need is a round peice of wood about 3 inch long cut it down the middle (length) and slightly file it out creating a small gap then tape a small section of cassette tape from one end to the other, then put the the two section of wood back togethor. Taping each end (electricians tape)


easy to make 15 mins and free of charge the good thing is no same one sounds the same, some are sharper than others and some are raspier.


used these for years with great success and its no hardship if you loose it out in the field.



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I use a 'FoxPro' remote control unit, I bought it in Tennessee last year, you can get them here, but at nearly £400 it's not a feasible thing to have. (Mine was $350 when it was 2 Dollars = £1).

Is it anygood? Yes it's actually the 'the dogs'.

The best thing about it apart from being exceptionally realistic, is that unlike the mouth blown types, the noise it makes is not coming from where 'you' are, but from 'over there' a convenient spot where you can get a good shot, and see whats happening at the same time.

It's so good that I had one Fox at night actually grab hold of it because I did not see him coming!

It is basically an MP3 player, you can download new calls from the internet, or 'do' your own, the best bit so far is the Crow call, they go nuts, I don't know what the call is saying in Crow language but I have had Crows take off from a Sheep field nearbye and mob the caller, if I had had one of my shotguns I could have had a pile of them in minutes (I'll try that a.s.a.p.).

The remote control works at up to 700 yards, and providing you have line of sight that is a true claim, I hang mine on a bent 1/4" square aluminium rod, that places it about 2 feet above the ground, I lay a square of Camo net on the top to disguise it.

I have shot over 90 foxes with this in the last 10 months, get one here if you can justify the cost, or alternatively go to America on holiday (Wild Boar hunting in Tennessee is a good place to start) and get one at Bass Pro or Cabela's instead.

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