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Guest rodsmith

through years of fox snaring.i spray WD40 on runs which i do not want to wire,it works!!!!

kick the fecking things!!

or keep putting your dogs shit on their lawn!! oh,i forget,we get huge fines for our dogs shitting,its ok for them dirty evil smelly cu*ts to shit,piss where they please and kill what they wish. :angry:

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Guest rodsmith
if you can catch the little fucks kicking definately does the trick and they never make noise when you do it



not even got to handle them plus theyd look like they had been knocked by a car!!

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Guest rodsmith
just wondering if anyone has got a way of keeping cats off my garden...




I've got a pair of Patterdale terrier's mate, they tend to do the trick.



can be a bit noisey though. ;)

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if you canget hold of the cat mate,get the flea stuff called spot on for dogs and put it on the cat you will never see that cat again.and the dog one does work on cats with out a dout


Right well I know you will all jump on me but some of the stuff you're saying here is downright disgusting.


You put that dog flea stuff on a cat and it will die a slow and very painful death. Same goes with kicking, if you do any damage that cat could very well suffer really badly.


Aren't you lot always saying that you have to respect quarry? If you call a cat vermin, then you class it as the same things you hunt. Would you be happy to cause suffering to the animals you hunt?


Fooking disgusting replies to this thread. Weather you like a cat or not, weather you agree with it being allowed to roam or not - IT IS SOMEONE'S PET :censored: It's a living creature that doesn't deserve to suffer. Go ahead and torture it, kick it to death or poison it. Then when you get found out, you go explain to the lonely old lady or the 5 year old kid who loved the cat why you saw fit to cause it to die a painful death.


Nor do you deserve to have it shitting in your garden. So take precautions if they're coming round. There are plants you can put in that deter them, check with your local garden centres. Or those sonic things. Or whatever. If you're on good terms with the neighbour go round and have a word, it can't hurt.


But for you all to suggest cruelty to an animal - any animal - is appalling. If you wouldn't stand for cruelty in hunting then you should be ashamed to encourage it to any animal, quarry or not.



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Guest jt750
if you canget hold of the cat mate,get the flea stuff called spot on for dogs and put it on the cat you will never see that cat again.and the dog one does work on cats with out a dout


Right well I know you will all jump on me but some of the stuff you're saying here is downright disgusting.


You put that dog flea stuff on a cat and it will die a slow and very painful death. Same goes with kicking, if you do any damage that cat could very well suffer really badly.


Aren't you lot always saying that you have to respect quarry? If you call a cat vermin, then you class it as the same things you hunt. Would you be happy to cause suffering to the animals you hunt?


Fooking disgusting replies to this thread. Weather you like a cat or not, weather you agree with it being allowed to roam or not - IT IS SOMEONE'S PET :censored: It's a living creature that doesn't deserve to suffer. Go ahead and torture it, kick it to death or poison it. Then when you get found out, you go explain to the lonely old lady or the 5 year old kid who loved the cat why you saw fit to cause it to die a painful death.


Nor do you deserve to have it shitting in your garden. So take precautions if they're coming round. There are plants you can put in that deter them, check with your local garden centres. Or those sonic things. Or whatever. If you're on good terms with the neighbour go round and have a word, it can't hurt.


But for you all to suggest cruelty to an animal - any animal - is appalling. If you wouldn't stand for cruelty in hunting then you should be ashamed to encourage it to any animal, quarry or not.




Well said girl. i just read this thread all the way thro after posting earlier when it was first started and again its degenerated into something awful. This is getting more and more like who's the hardest hunter who's got the hardest dog who can be the most numpty poster here.

Cruel b@stards learn some respect and get a life

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got to admitt im quite suprised at all the cruel comments about kicking and poisoning it , like lurchergirl said , if you look at cats like they are vermin , why dont you show them the same respect as any other vermin . there are other methods you can use , like the two i have mentioned . yeah cats are a pain in the ass and i dislike them , but i still wouldnt like to see them suffer .

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This is getting more and more like who's the hardest hunter who's got the hardest dog who can be the most numpty poster here.

Cruel b@stards learn some respect and get a life


Think the last thing I would class some folks on here as is 'hard'. More like cruel, stupid, thoughtless fukwits. There's nothing hard about calling a friendly cat in to you and then delivering a boot to it's guts. There's nothing hard about poising a cat with dog flea prevention - which causes severe seizures and takes a LONG LONG time to kill. Or using antifreeze which has the same effect.


Feral cats are altogether different to urban ones. The odds are good that animal belongs to somebody. YES, it's a pain that they roam. YES they do damage to songbirds etc. I agree with all of that, I can see both sides here. But in my eyes you simply cannot justify causing harm to someone's pet or being cruel to any animal, simple. Problem is there's no easy answer, hence all the thoughtless fukwits poke their heads out of their caves and suggest poisioning, kicking etc.


Wonder what they would say to someone who hates dogs and suggested doing the same things to strays? Totally different story then I bet.

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Can't fecking stand cats myself, but I couldn't ever bring myself to be cruel to one. :no: Can't say the same for the JRT & Beddy/whippet when they're in the garden mind. :no:

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Just had a thought .... we all know there's folks who let their dogs roam. Just open the door, let 'em out to walk themselves. They run round, shitting on the pavements and playing fields, crossing roads and causing accidents, pissing up people's front gates, etc. But it's a dog so totally different to cats aye?


Not really. Complain about a cat shitting in your garden, but how many of you pick up after your dogs if they crap where kids play or on public paths? There's plenty of dog haters out there. Maybe next time they see a dog wandering about on it's own, they should call it in and boot it, or feed it some antifreeze because hey ho, they're a nuisance. Those dogs should be controlled.


See where I'm going with this? Double standards. I'm not saying that's what the OP would do. I understand that finding cat shit in your garden is a proper wind-up. I don't like finding it in mine either.


I never really thought about the nuisance a cat can cause when it's roaming, that's the truth. But I see now how it can be a pain in the ass for people who really don't like them. Think about that the next time you look away as your dog leaves a massive shit on a kids park or right in the middle of the pavement. Or if you don't give a monkey's that the dogs have been barking in their kennels for four hours straight. Or the next time you open your door to let your dog out for a quick run about on it's own before bed. Then think about how gutted you'd be to discover someone had poisoned it or kicked it or whatever.

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