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Now I dont know who this person is but if it's true that SJM shot pups at 8mnth old theres no excuse for that....anyone who says that they can tell if a lurcher is gonna make the grade or not at around 8 mnth is an idiot :doh::wallbash:


What do you suggest people do Undisputed if a young dog is obviously not right in the mind or body?


Better a quick exit from life than an add in the for sale section.


There's no quick fix to bringing on a dog....all dogs are different and you should be able to adjust accordingly.....to many folk think a dog is ready to go at 12mnts....in my opinion the first year of a dogs life should be spent training and learning the basics. The occasional foray with the lamp and ferrets will do it no harm. 2nd year you can start to push the dog a bit more....everything in time no rush.....giving up on a youngster says more about the owner than the dog imo.....the only way you should consider putting a pup down is if its terminally ill or damaged beyond repair.

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Guest manda

Im not argueing as i think we all have our opinion but at 8 month most owners will know if the dog has the prey drive or hunting capability (sorry about spelling im brain dead tonight lol)

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Im not argueing as i think we all have our opinion but at 8 month most owners will know if the dog has the prey drive or hunting capability (sorry about spelling im brain dead tonight lol)


dont you mean all the time lol

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u say that like its written in stone what if u rear a pup to 2 yrs and it starts yapping or picking its runs or worse still not wanting to chase or pulling up u would just keep it then and soldier on? :hmm:


Your missing the point....the only thing that appears to be written in stone is this notion you can tell how a pup will turn out at 8mnths or so....if you bring a dog on properly you lessen the chances of the dog yappin or any of the faults you mention....which in most cases is caused by running the dog to early or unfit. How many chances do you give your pup then??

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Im not argueing as i think we all have our opinion but at 8 month most owners will know if the dog has the prey drive or hunting capability (sorry about spelling im brain dead tonight lol)


that just about sums that comment up...brain dead. ;)

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undisputed are you saying there are no shit dogs just people who dont know how to bring them on and make them shit?



No not at all but the majority of ruined dogs are caused by something the owners did....everyone is in too much of a hurry

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undisputed are you saying there are no shit dogs just people who dont know how to bring them on and make them shit?



No not at all but the majority of ruined dogs are caused by something the owners did....everyone is in too much of a hurry

I'd agree with that mate. :yes:


It sickens me to see all the young dogs, 9-14 month old that get put up on here for a 'genuine reason for sale.'

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theres chances and excuses a puppy should be given chances yes agree with you there on the money and things made nice n easy for it but if you find youself making excuses for the dog then your not being honest with yourself. how many times have you heard someone say it wasnt pulling up it was using its brain or it yapped because it was frustrated theres dogs that do try and use there brains at the same time and theres dogs that run frustrating quarry and dont yap. these are just 2 faults dogs can have lots of others some people can live with them and make an excuse each time things dont go to plan but some people cant. putting them down is kinder in the long term than going from home to home and ending up straying on the streets or a bag of bones chained to a bit of scrap on a tinkers site :thumbdown:

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Guest Defender Poacher
No not at all but the majority of ruined dogs are caused by something the owners did....everyone is in too much of a hurry



So you agree there is some shit dogs?

Edited by Defender Poacher
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Undisputed, you are welcome to your opinion but reading your posts it is my guess that you have never really seen what I would class as a good dog in action.

I dont mean a dog that will take a few bunnies, I mean dogs that back in the day were run hard on all quarry and EXPECTED to do well.

They were culled hard and only the very best mated to the very best.

This is not a myth, this is reality and its a reality that you dont seem too familiar with.

Once you have seen a few good dogs run side by side with mediocre and downright rubbish then you realise that you cant train that certain something into a dog and it dont matter how long you give it.

If you had ever owned more than just a mooching dog, you wouldnt be saying what your saying.


Great breeding shines through from the word go, they just have "something"


They are like hens teeth, so dont try and tell me anyone can have a truly out standing dog because they cant.


Some lads know and some lads think they know.

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theres chances and excuses a puppy should be given chances yes agree with you there on the money and things made nice n easy for it but if you find youself making excuses for the dog then your not being honest with yourself. how many times have you heard someone say it wasnt pulling up it was using its brain or it yapped because it was frustrated theres dogs that do try and use there brains at the same time and theres dogs that run frustrating quarry and dont yap. these are just 2 faults dogs can have lots of others some people can live with them and make an excuse each time things dont go to plan but some people cant. putting them down is kinder in the long term than going from home to home and ending up straying on the streets or a bag of bones chained to a bit of scrap on a tinkers site :thumbdown:


I would never move a dog on for my mistake.... any dogs I had stayed with me....could always find some use for them even if it was just ferreting....you shouldn't define a dog as good or bad in relation to quarry.....I think folk have lost sight of what lurchers were originally bred for

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