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dogue de bordeaux

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i had a bitch she was bam bam lines very good with kids and pups if there was a pup in the house she would lay down and try and feed it but then on the other hand my uncle has a few in irland and there fuckers theyve pulled 2 dogs through the bars and killed em it all depends on how they where brought up but they make good gaurd dogs well the ones iv seen anyway

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my pups half DdB with presa canario and neopolitan in the mix, he's been quite easy to train. he can be a bit boysterous with other dogs but i think thats him just bein a pup otherwise hes really quite docile.

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I've known a couple, years ago. Lovely dogs. Very important to socialise them with other dogs from the word go if you fancy taking them out and getting them the exercise they need in public places.


And you kinda need to have mop on hand 24/7 because the amount of drool they spread around is phenomenal. It gets on the ceilings, walls, windows, in your food ... every time they shake their heads you've got to duck for cover :laugh:

Got one lives next to me, very slobbery, drools all the time. Friendly and strong. But i would not have one. They eat loads. :snack:

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