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Thanks for all the ideas Guys I'll certainly send them all on to him and hopefully a few more will come along yet..


As for the Glock, then 9mm in General seems to be one with a bad reputation for accuracy over about 10 yards, but all I know is that he has tried quite a few and this one he wants to get rid of not long after having it!


As for the Met using them, I can't see them attempting to Fire on anyone at anything over 15 yards with a pistol, leave that to the MP5 boys :yes:

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Fired most of them before the ban and never really noticed any naturally accurate calibre, more the case that some pistols were just more difficult to shoot straight. .38 was an easy round to shoot, .357 similar but with a bit more poke, .44 was great fun but recoil was a bit too serious! Personally I could always shoot better with a revolver than any semi-auto. Getting all misty-eyed now... :laugh:



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  bwdoz said:
Fired most of them before the ban and never really noticed any naturally accurate calibre, more the case that some pistols were just more difficult to shoot straight. .38 was an easy round to shoot, .357 similar but with a bit more poke, .44 was great fun but recoil was a bit too serious! Personally I could always shoot better with a revolver than any semi-auto. Getting all misty-eyed now... :laugh:



Seems a distant dream to get them back doesn't it?


Thanks for the Advice though.


I like the aforementioned "Dirty Harry's" quote from a film, "I've seen .38s career off windshields, just no good in a city like this" :laugh:

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  SportingShooter said:
Well Folks,


Bit of a strange one this considering that most of our members are from the UK and are deprived of using pistols.




For those of you who used them before the Ban or those who still use them overseas, from the list of "common" calibres i.e. 9mm, .45ACP, .357, .38 Special etc etc. Which do you/did you consider to be the most accurate?


Leaving aside guns not liking certain ammunition, some calibres are inherently more accurate.


Reason I ask is a friend of mine is involved in private security in the Middle East somewhere and asked me on our last email which I considered most accurate. I replied that I have no real experience of them but I know somewhere I can ask :laugh:


He told me he was getting fed up shooting 2ft to the left of his target with his Glock 9mm :yes:


I hope someone has an idea :D


SS :thumbs:


I think either your friends barrels bent or he's flinching as he takes the shot? missing a target by 2 feet is a lot! my first go with a browning hi power I put all 13 shots on the 12" target at 10 yds then 4 out of 6 with a S&W .44 Magnum. I was told by the instructor that both are relible, accurate weapons, but I suppose they might be a bit heavy for your mates kind of work?

Get him to check out the H&K USP compact .40, both lightweight and accurate?


I guess if he's lost faith in the gun performing then he needs to get shot of it anyway? you wouldn't want to be questioning a piece of kit when the shit hits the fan!


It also depends on what he can get? ideal world he could pick and choose but if he's stuck on a job, then you take what your given I suppose???

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I found the Browning Hi-Power in 9mm very manageable, but much preferred the beretta 92, I found it did not twist as much. I would go with what is freely available where he is. It's pointless ordering something you cannot get ammo or spares for. At close ranges the 9mm should do the job, but the yanks law enforcement have found that it lacks stopping power. This is why they have gone for the .40 cartridge normally delivered by a glock.


Accuracy wise at 30yds I favoured the .357 Colt Python.



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I shot a Glock 9mm at a range here just to try out the aul pistol shooting - you'd get pissed off of it very fast - after 50 rounds I just wanted to go home - played with the idea of getting one now and again but ultimately it wasn't worth the hassle - too late now as they've changed the laws here again.


If I had gone ahead with one I'd have gotten something from


Hard to find a negative review of them.

You can also get the crimson trace laser grips to increase the cool factor :rolleyes:


You'd think your friend would be surrounded by the best people to ask for advice.


Ask the question over on the irish shooting site - the fellas there have had a good few years shooting pistols now - so for paper targets at least I'd trust them to put you right -


Word of warning - boards.ie has a higher percentage of complete and utter wankers than any other forum I've ever been on - a few members and one mod here would wholeheartedly agree with me on that :whistling:

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i also work in the danger zone,baghdad,been out here 5 yrs now, the main pistol out here is the glock 19,which holds 17 rnds,i also was pretty crap at shooting it,when 1st tried,but its one of them weapons that takes time, to get use too, i can now get good grouping from 30 mtrs but i know when i go home for 4 weeks then come back,it will be like ive used a shotgun, its all about how often your mate gets on the range to practice,also how he holds the pistol will have a big effect on his group which ive also experienced a lot.



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He need's to try shooting some of the other lads pistols and see if he's getting similar groups. If the other shooter can get the pistol to group well and his are still off then he need's to change his shooting style not the pistol. If he's hitting a man size target at 25m he needn't worry.

Edited by lxx73
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I went to the pistol range at Bisley when i was a lad with one of my dads mates. This guy had a serious collection and i had a crack with all of them. They were all good fun, in terms of accuracy the pistol that stood head and shoulders above the rest was the .44 mag with moderate hand loads. I shot a 49/50 with this twice in a row. The worst was some (perhaps predictably) a .22 semi firing hv rounds. I really like shooting the beretta 9mm (92f), accuracy i remember as being ok and probably would have been better if i wasn't splatting away thinking i was Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon. I didn't like the .38 and remember wanting to have a longer go a colt .45 semi but the guy was a bit tight with the ammo because the brass was so hard to get hold of.

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Some great ideas coming through Guys. I am sending them all back to him :thumbs:


I'll explain a little of what I know of the situation there, he has been made some sort of "supervisor" while still remaining on the Front line, so he is looking at ideas to improve the safety of himself and others. He has had trouble with the 9mm in that he hasn't been consistent. Whereas he has tried the older, now becoming less standard, calibres such as the .357 and found accuracy to improve.


He tells me that he's been using 9mm for quite a number of years now and is sick to the gills of it. I think he just wants a welcome change in accuracy. I think its a secret desire to spend more time punching holes in paper :laugh:


The problem being with the .357 and such like is the sourcing of a quantity of ammunition to allow him to practice and remain loaded and ready. 9mm is common as muck out there he says, he did mention a calibre that was becoming more readily available as either .40 S&W or the .40 Auto I can't remember which. I think he is going to try this.


But one of his new things he can do is request new calibres to test out. Which is why he prompted to ask me which I thought was best as its pointless waiting for a calibre to come through only to find out its inherently useless. So the main point was to find perhaps a calibre that was thought to be more accurate over the 9mm.


But keep them coming :)


Mickyfinn, I can just imagine a whole street of people suddenly vanishing when they hear your back in town after a month :laugh:


ATB & Thanks

SS :thumbs:

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I live on in kent but sometimes find myself brave enough to venture in to south east london and its becoming somewhat infamous with guns, so i'll go ask those in woolwhich, they seem to shoot enough of eachother.

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They all have 13 days of freedom,,as will soon be home,,lol,,,im threaders and looking forward to getting home,4 months is too long a stint out here,should be a good break.

forgot to mention too,out here,some sources bring in shit 9mm chinese rubbish that when fired,will hit the tgt next to the one your aiming at..lol,,which im sure hes aware off.






  SportingShooter said:
Some great ideas coming through Guys. I am sending them all back to him :thumbs:


I'll explain a little of what I know of the situation there, he has been made some sort of "supervisor" while still remaining on the Front line, so he is looking at ideas to improve the safety of himself and others. He has had trouble with the 9mm in that he hasn't been consistent. Whereas he has tried the older, now becoming less standard, calibres such as the .357 and found accuracy to improve.


He tells me that he's been using 9mm for quite a number of years now and is sick to the gills of it. I think he just wants a welcome change in accuracy. I think its a secret desire to spend more time punching holes in paper :laugh:


The problem being with the .357 and such like is the sourcing of a quantity of ammunition to allow him to practice and remain loaded and ready. 9mm is common as muck out there he says, he did mention a calibre that was becoming more readily available as either .40 S&W or the .40 Auto I can't remember which. I think he is going to try this.


But one of his new things he can do is request new calibres to test out. Which is why he prompted to ask me which I thought was best as its pointless waiting for a calibre to come through only to find out its inherently useless. So the main point was to find perhaps a calibre that was thought to be more accurate over the 9mm.


But keep them coming :)


Mickyfinn, I can just imagine a whole street of people suddenly vanishing when they hear your back in town after a month :laugh:


ATB & Thanks

SS :thumbs:

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The main thing that should be concidered in security work is reliability of the weapon rather than accuracy.

Some pretty exhaustive US military tests a couple of decades ago showed the Beretta to be streets ahead of the rest and on a par with the AK47 rifle for not jamming.

There might be something else nowadays.


I had a Ruger Security Six revolver that was very accurate using .38 specials, but how often do you have time to take careful aim in a combat situation?


The ex police marksman that we had in the club, swore by his H & K 9mm, though the knockdown power of a 45ACP would probably be more beneficial than small groups on a range target with something else.

Edited by rjimmer
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Sorry guys I've just read the biggest load of pish about the inaccuracy of pistols :o .

I have been a competitive pistol and rifle shooter for over 23 years, shot for various clubs at Police Pistol 1 , Police Pistol 2, Police Pistol 1500 , NPA service Pistol B ,NRA service pistol A (Browning only)and Practical Pistol all shot between 50 and 10 meters I was also in the RNR and shot for them (Pistol ,SLR and SMG ). I have competed in the last 10 pistol AD meetings at Bisly before pistols were banned.


I have owned 9mm ,10mm 38, 357, 44 and 45 calibre pistols and never found any of them inaccurate. Its the person holding it that makes it inaccurate.


There is a fair amount of comments about the accuracy of 9mm, one of the best rounds is 2Z military ball ammo. If I had the choice I would shoot this stuff all the time. One of the best combinations I had was my Browning HP Competition with 2Z ammo.


There is a big differance in target (paper punshing) and having a gun for personal protection or military use.

My Target pistol was a Davis Grade4 38special, it shot 148grain hollow based wadcutter ammo with 2.8 grains of Vith 310 powder. If I had to pick a package for personal protection it would be a Browning High Power Competition or a standard High Power and 2Z.


The most accurate pistol I have ever shot was a Sig 210-6 (9mm) what a gun!!! :clapper:


All pistols I have ever owned would shoot a 2 to 4" group out to 50m My Davis would put 6 rounds in less tha an inch at 25m on problem. The factor that makes them not accurate is the person holding it and the trigger pull .With a pistol you cant flinch!

So sorry guys pistols are just as accurate as rifles in the correct hands.


"A pistol shooter can shoot rifles accuratly but a rifle shooter can't shoot pistols accuratly" :D .





Sorry about the spelling :icon_redface:

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