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why is everyone wanting bull crosses

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most of the lurchers ave growing up with and lurcher men ave known for years have never went for the bull crosses and hardly speak about them and from a started on this site 2 weeks ago this is all a hear


why is everyone goin for the bull cross nowadays


atb john

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You pick a dog which has the attributes you require from a lurcher. Bulls have many plus points such as tenacity, guts, physically sound, the list goes on.


You take your choice, its dogs for jobs ;) Many like the do or die nature of a well bred dog.

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well i think its up to the person who is buying one..


by the way EVERYONE donsent want bull crosses


i have owned a bull cross for pre-ban a while ago she was a good dog and i think personly that bull

cross's arnt just for "chavs" but for people who want one?!

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a just canny understand it, they cant be trusted and they dnt put speed in to the dog, they must be a pain in the arse to train cause there not the most intelligent breed and all the worry of them goin to yap while chasing which likely to happen.

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everyone has there own type of lurcher they want to use mate for different reasons i personaly prefer the bullx or wheatan cross because its what i prefer to use lamping fox or with the terrier just what i prefer

Edited by judge
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everyone has there own type of lurcher they want to use mate for different reasons i personaly prefer the bullx or wheatan cross because its what i prefer to use lamping fox or with the terrier just what i prefer

what are they like to train


atb john

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a just canny understand it, they cant be trusted and they dnt put speed in to the dog, they must be a pain in the arse to train cause there not the most intelligent breed and all the worry of them goin to yap while chasing which likely to happen.



And the prize for spouting utter tripe goes too........................

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a just canny understand it, they cant be trusted and they dnt put speed in to the dog, they must be a pain in the arse to train cause there not the most intelligent breed and all the worry of them goin to yap while chasing which likely to happen.


Firstly must say they arnt my type of dog. But the half dozen iv seen work have never made a noise while working. Got injured less than other types of running dog, worked heavy cover when lighter lurchers wouldnt and where well trained and sound with stock. They worked larger quarry and I had a respect for the job they did even tho it wasnt my type of dog work.


But unfortunatly they do attract the numpties of the dog world in some cases.

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everyone has there own type of lurcher they want to use mate for different reasons i personaly prefer the bullx or wheatan cross because its what i prefer to use lamping fox or with the terrier just what i prefer

what are they like to train


atb john


like everything mate you have put time in to them

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everyone has there own type of lurcher they want to use mate for different reasons i personaly prefer the bullx or wheatan cross because its what i prefer to use lamping fox or with the terrier just what i prefer

what are they like to train


atb john



So in one post you state that bull crosses A) can't be trusted (bollocks) B) Don't put speed in a dog (daft comment) C) Aren't inteligent (stupid is as stupid does) and finally D) Likely to yap (another daft comment)


You then follow this post asking "what are they like to train" :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::blink:

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