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anyone use this?

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first time i have seen one of these,looks well made but cant see the point really :unsure: . unless you used it for zeroing,and when do you get the chance to go hunting a shoot of 20 shots 20 kills :hmm:



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Guest Scuba1

There is no real point in them. I rather use two mags and keep one in my pocket. That way I can reload the spare while the other is in the gun. It looks to be a well made piece of kit though and would be great if he made them as single mags............................... and in the real calibre as well and not just in .177




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There is no real point in them. I rather use two mags and keep one in my pocket. That way I can reload the spare while the other is in the gun. It looks to be a well made piece of kit though and would be great if he made them as single mags............................... and in the real calibre as well and not just in .177




I use 2 mags aswell, keep one full in my pocket. just came across that on ebay and wondered if anyone used them?

i came across singles here aswell http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AIR-ARMS-S510-S410-2...%3A1%7C294%3A50

Don't know what they are like mind? they also do a brass one


looks like more weight to me though?

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Another vote for having 2 mags here. I keep a full one in my pocket, so i can quickly swap over, then reload the empty one without having the gun out of action.


Not sure i like the look of this 20 shot mag thing. Like someone else said, it would stick out of the side of the gun quite a way, and your`d still have to swap it around manually. Nice bit of shinny alloy also might reflect in the sun etc...


I`ll stick with my 2 mags i think!

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doesnt seem a bad idea but i would rather just stick to what i know... what i do have a problem is, when the other mag is in my pocket the one pellet always falls out, does other people have this problem and how do you overcome it...?



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Guest Scuba1
doesnt seem a bad idea but i would rather just stick to what i know... what i do have a problem is, when the other mag is in my pocket the one pellet always falls out, does other people have this problem and how do you overcome it...?




Just turn the one you carry in your pocket so it is between two pellets and click it to the right position when you stick it in the gun.





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doesnt seem a bad idea but i would rather just stick to what i know... what i do have a problem is, when the other mag is in my pocket the one pellet always falls out, does other people have this problem and how do you overcome it...?




Just turn the one you carry in your pocket so it is between two pellets and click it to the right position when you stick it in the gun.






Thats what i do to.

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Guest Scuba1

I like the way its made and it does not cost more then two of the plastic ones so I think its a fair price being made as an all metal construction.





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doesnt seem a bad idea but i would rather just stick to what i know... what i do have a problem is, when the other mag is in my pocket the one pellet always falls out, does other people have this problem and how do you overcome it...?




Just turn the one you carry in your pocket so it is between two pellets and click it to the right position when you stick it in the gun.






Thats what i do to.


;) me too

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