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Wild polecat's

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Anybody see Springwatch on BBC2 earlier? There was a little piece on wild polecat's in Wales. Saying that numbers are increasing rapidly, They set up camera's and video's ect ect and managed to get 2 pictures and will be keeping viewers updated throughout the series. I hope they get some good footage

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...and there's no more Bill Oddie with his annoying chants of, "stop killing all the innocent fluffy creatures!"


There was a clip last night of Badger's killing and eating rabbits. They made out it was some amazing piece of new evidence about the lifestyle of brock.

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im enjoying this series, as much as kate humble still annoy's the tit's off me with not a clue what she's talking about, The new fella is pretty clued up on pretty much everything they cover, it was funny when they were talking about last years swallows, when the male come in and got rid of another males chicks and hate humble was saying "It's so unfair that he commited this act all the hard work that female had put in to the brood" and he just said "its nature, it happens" she was gutted haha

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im enjoying this series, as much as kate humble still annoy's the tit's off me with not a clue what she's talking about, The new fella is pretty clued up on pretty much everything they cover, it was funny when they were talking about last years swallows, when the male come in and got rid of another males chicks and hate humble was saying "It's so unfair that he commited this act all the hard work that female had put in to the brood" and he just said "its nature, it happens" she was gutted haha


Yes but thats the beauty of the programme, she represents a huge number of people that dont know crap all about wildlife, and when she comes out with a comment like that, she can be put straight. Its about time that it wasn't all chocolate box, beatrix potter world.

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