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Transporting a deer head.

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Hi All,


Anyone know if you're able to bring back a deer head on a plane? From Scotland to England. Flying with Flybe.


Any serious answers welcome.



What a fantastic question, my mind is just imagining you sitting in the plane with blood dripping everywhere. Poking folks in innapropriate places during turbulance.................................. :icon_eek:


Have you tried asking them? I dread to think what they will say.


Sorry I can't help but you have just made my night :clapper: !


Atb ft

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if its a boiled out head , you used to be able too on some airlines, but you had to cover all the points to make them not sharp. we used garden hose cut in to 2 inch lengths then taped onto each point.


i think they had to be checked in to the hold though.


I think you are best to check with the airline just to be 100% sure, take it were talking about red deer

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if its a boiled out head , you used to be able too on some airlines, but you had to cover all the points to make them not sharp. we used garden hose cut in to 2 inch lengths then taped onto each point.


i think they had to be checked in to the hold though.


I think you are best to check with the airline just to be 100% sure, take it were talking about red deer



Lets hope they say yes! I was going to package the head and put in the main cargo hold (obviously in a case). I know it must sound a bit strange, but it’ll be my 1st deer and I want to get it preserved. The taxidermist said it’ll be ok if it gets to him within 24 hours.


If the airline say no then I’ll try and find a taxidermist in Edinburgh. Failing that I’ll just get another seat on the plane for the whole bloody deer!!!!!!!!

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I recently had some Germans over stalking roe and they took the 7 heads back with them by plane. What I did was wrap the heads (not the antlers) in parcel tape around and around so that all the head was covered - this prevented any blood escaping.


Just put it in your suitcase - I'm sure you would be permitted to put a shoulder of lamb in your case on an internal flight so why not a head. I feel if you ask the question to Flybe they wont know and just say no. If they open your case they will only see antlers and a mass of parcel tape.

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