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English bull terrier dog first offer taken

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u just said make me a offer i made you a offer and the e-mail i got back


As i said i dont really wanna get rid so its gonna have to be a serious offer but im not saying im not interested its a shame u didnt have a lurcher for sale as it would of hit 2 birds wid one stone



thoguht u werent in it for the money

Edited by dantheman09
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he needs to go to someone who is serious about the dog i dont want some one to take him on for the sake of it thats why i was asking that , The fact is i would like another dog he doesnt suit which i am pissed off about.. but im gonna stick to lurchers from now on, or possibly a greyhound... All my dogs are part of the family here so i refuse to kennel him 24/7

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dantheman made a fair offer, If he is serious about looking after the dog then surely the money is irrelavent, your pm to him has blown your credability in my eyes, you weren't interested in the "good home", just a "serious offer", poor dog and I also feel for derbylad...........


These are the actions of a messer!!!

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  dantheman09 said:
u just said make me a offer i made you a offer and the e-mail i got back


As i said i dont really wanna get rid so its gonna have to be a serious offer but im not saying im not interested its a shame u didnt have a lurcher for sale as it would of hit 2 birds wid one stone



thoguht u werent in it for the money


I didnt ask you for an offer mate you contacted me so dont try to put messages up to try and dupe me into selling a dog for nothing, basically if someone had a lurcher that was any good then i would be interested, the fact is people know [bANNED TEXT] i have paid and then its ill give you 50 quid . I said a good home thats y im not letting him go for nothing to anybody .


So [bANNED TEXT] do you think your playing at the fact is the lurcher could be worth 20 quid that means nothing to me i want a good home for him and i wanna offer a good home to a lurcher. I did'nt advertise on here but im looking at serious people to take him on. I explained to you i spent 50 quid on his collar and chain..

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  Simoman said:
dantheman made a fair offer, If he is serious about looking after the dog then surely the money is irrelavent, your pm to him has blown your credability in my eyes, you weren't interested in the "good home", just a "serious offer", poor dog and I also feel for derbylad...........


These are the actions of a messer!!!

Totally agree Simo, I was reading this thread through hoping to leave a positive comment at the end. I hate to think of people making money on rehomed dogs. No fecking shame. :thumbdown:

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simoman your right fella i am 110% able to look after the dog and give him a good home i work nights on the doors so i have the whole day to spend with him

i made him the offer of £50 so he would get his money back but he wants more then that by the look of things


hubbs why didnt u tell derbylad you where going to sell him and give derbylad the first offer of haveninghim back !

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  dantheman09 said:
fella i am 110% about this dog the offer is on the table u can even come down to my house and have a look round !



You have never said this to me before thats [bANNED TEXT] i mean about serious i dont wanna little boy taking him and walking round the streets with him trying to look intimidating

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Well thanks for that i want him to settle in and stay somewhere but what people are not understanding is that i don wanna keep him under lock and key 24/7 its not fair, the cat thing was daft but my missus decided they where friends one night i was in bed not a mistake id be making im sure of that...As i said its not about the money and ive had no offers .




do i sound a c**t or does it say at the bottom of your post IVE HAD NO OFFERS witch to me sounds like open to OFFERS

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  dantheman09 said:
simoman your right fella i am 110% able to look after the dog and give him a good home i work nights on the doors so i have the whole day to spend with him

i made him the offer of £50 so he would get his money back but he wants more then that by the look of things


hubbs why didnt u tell derbylad you where going to sell him and give derbylad the first offer of haveninghim back !



because derbylad told me if i dont get on with him then put him in the paper why wont people listen.. :clapper:

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You have never said this to me before thats [bANNED TEXT] i mean about serious i dont wanna little boy taking him and walking round the streets with him trying to look intimidating



first i anit a little boy i am 22 and i anit the type to walk round the streets thinking i am all that cus i have a english bull i have respect for dogs and when i have a dog i give it a proper home

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do i sound a c**t or does it say at the bottom of your post IVE HAD NO OFFERS witch to me sounds like open to OFFERS



I can see how it sounded and im sorry for jumping down your throat i love this dog and im not just letting anybody have him thats all.. its just you sounded very young with a few things said, I am open for people to offer but remember that is just an offer

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  hubbs said:
  dantheman09 said:
u just said make me a offer i made you a offer and the e-mail i got back


As i said i dont really wanna get rid so its gonna have to be a serious offer but im not saying im not interested its a shame u didnt have a lurcher for sale as it would of hit 2 birds wid one stone



thoguht u werent in it for the money


I didnt ask you for an offer mate you contacted me so dont try to put messages up to try and dupe me into selling a dog for nothing, basically if someone had a lurcher that was any good then i would be interested, the fact is people know [bANNED TEXT] i have paid and then its ill give you 50 quid . I said a good home thats y im not letting him go for nothing to anybody .


So [bANNED TEXT] do you think your playing at the fact is the lurcher could be worth 20 quid that means nothing to me i want a good home for him and i wanna offer a good home to a lurcher. I did'nt advertise on here but im looking at serious people to take him on. I explained to you i spent 50 quid on his collar and chain..

biggest load of betty swollocks i've ever heard. this just aint cricket you've got an a fair offer surely if you really wanted a good home then you'd take the fifties and recompense for the collar and lead through a little chat with dantheman???

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